



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Shk Administrator Film maker

Forum posts (137)

Bug reports on FiveM

Did you try respawning while inside the garage or out? try exiting the interior and call or respawn your vehicles then reenter the garage.

refund request

If your game crash mid air while flying there is high chance your hydra despawns even tho your friend saw that it landed to the ground safely in this case we can't refund you.

Bug reports on FiveM

I think it's a fivem bug, at such times just restart the job.

I lost my

Your thread was not locked and you don't need to create multiple threads regarding the same issue you will be replied in your previous thread as I said it will be looked into so have some patience.

I lost my /bp color

We will look into it

Selling or buying on FiveM

BUYING Fivem 2 BR8 If anyone is willing to sell you can pm me on web.

Stunt contests

STUNT CHALLENGE IS OVER! Congratulations to the winners 1.Milaa 2.THANO5 3.TrAin 4.TheArrow 5.KingEevee Rewards are sent.

Stunt contests

Since only Milaa was able to do 4 stunts till now, I'll reduce number of stunts to do from 4 to 3

Stunt contests

Hi if you are getting kicked for the 2nd stunt just hold on to it and do the rest.

being sent to swim for no reason

Hi you were constantly ramming players without any reason it doesnt matter whether the cops were camping or not as a warning you were sent you to swim I'll get you out for now just don't repeat it.

Stunt contests

Shk's Stunt Challenge #2 Follow the basic contest rules 1.The timestamp on the bottom left corner under the radar must be enabled. (/settings > HUD > Display date and time) 2.The Video must be recorded only on SA-MP Welcome To Los Santos Servers 3.The video must be uploaded on YouTube with a decent qaulity and timestamp enabled, it's better if you can make a single video instead of 4 clips and also no edits you can increase the speed by 10x to skip unnecessary clips without cutting it. 4.After uploading, please click the REPLY button beside this post and submit your video as a reply. Any posts that are useless or nonsensical will be removed! If you want to comment or share your thoughts about the contest or the video you can do it HERE 6.Moderators and higher ranked staff members are not allowed to participate in this contest 7.During the event period do not block other players that are attemping to complete the contest or disturb them in anyway. Contest Reward : 140+10 tokens Winners : 5 Difficulty : Against the laws of physics Stunt Rules 1. We have a total of 5 stunts in the video below out of which you need to only choose and do 4 of them and vehicle to be used is only Infernus 2.Contest reward will be 140 tokens + if you do stunts 3-5 which are done by MaRaZ you get 2+ tokens on each of his stunts if you manage to do all 3 that will be 2x3=6 + 4 bonus making it a total of 10 tokens as a bonus reward. 3.Stunts 1-2 are easy but you will need a friend who would trust your driving skills with their lifes as I won't accept if you do it solo 4.Stunt 1 you just need to keep a player above your infernus and jump from Mount Chilliad without getting them killed they can use any standing animations which means you can't use /ko, /crackidle 2 etc note while making the jump your speed must be at least 200kmph. 5.Stunt 2 you just need to keep a player on the side of your infernus and cross the bridge as shown in the video. 6.Stunts 3-5 don't worry about those flips you don't need to do them, you just need to jump from where it's shown on the video and reach the final spot without getting your vehicle destroyed. Good Luck Everyone

Unban Me Please

What a coincidence, you had completed 700+ hrs in the server with no sign of a brother and your brother registers at the same exact date/time when your drug hood expires and gets it am I right, next time your brother joins make sure to teach him the basics of the server first from my side, if you pull such a stunt again you will be permanenty banned.

Stunt contests

STUNT CHALLENGE IS OVER! Congratulations to the winners 1.Milaa (Score : 17) 2.fnxspawn (Score : 18) 3.TheArrow (Score : 18) 4.Kajmak (Score : 18) 5.TrAin (Score : 19) Rewards are sent.

Stunt contests

Yes it's better that you keep it on aswell and please don't use reply to ask such things here, if you have any questions you can pm me on web and if you wanna comment you can do that HERE

Stunt contests

Shk's Stunt Challenge #1 Follow the basic contest rules 1.The timestamp on the bottom left corner under the radar must be enabled. (/settings > HUD > Display date and time) 2.The Video must be recorded only on SA-MP Welcome To Los Santos Servers 3.The video must be uploaded on YouTube with a decent qaulity and timestamp enabled, it's better if you can make a single video instead of 4 clips. 4.After uploading, please click the REPLY button beside this post and submit your video as a reply. Any posts that are useless or nonsensical will be removed! 6.Moderators and higher ranked staff members are not allowed to participate in this contest 7.During the event period do not block other players that are attemping to complete the contest or disturb them in anyway. Stunt Rules 1. We have a total of 4 stunts in the video below in which you will have to use NRG-500, Infernus and Rustler accordingly 2.Contest reward will be 140tokens but if you use /wank before attemping the contest you will get 2+ tokens per stunt so that's 2x4=8 tokens, you must /wank once at the start each time before attempting without any edits if you do all 4 you will get a bonus of 2+ tokens making it a total of 10 tokens just for wanking so make sure to utilize the opportunity 3.As you can see for the 4th stunt you will have to find a friend that trusts your flying skills with his/her life to stay above the rustler I won't accept it if you go solo and you are not allowed to open wheels of the rustler while flying inside the tunnel. Contest Reward : 140+10 tokens Winners : 5 Difficulty : Somewhere between medium to hard we will find it out soon Good Luck Everyone

Christmas - 23rd December 2023. Winners of this event are ViLGAX, lilsmoke, bean, solgaleo and Prometheus (Event prize was 25m) Congrats to the winners.

Christmas - 23rd December 2023.

Regarding this event you can team up with other players if you want to increase your chances of winning or go solo and get all that money (if you team up with others make sure you split the money equally and keep some evidence of teaming up) what you have to do to win is just simply deliver the 3/3 LVPD to a specific location I choose on the map, you can prevent other players from winning the event just by destroying the vehicle so it will respawn back also try your best not to kill others during the event as server might kick you for deathmatching so you can find alternative ways to prevent others from winnning, event prize will be somewhere between 10-25m depending on number of participants and time taken to finish the event. Once the LVPD event is over we will start our custom events such as Tdms, Dms, Survivals, Parkour or Races with higher rewards also we will have 1 vs 1 Arena matches with bets at the end if we save sometime.

Cant link my game account.

Seems the player had successfully linked his game account. Thread locked.

Cant link my game account.

Solving via PM's


Hi, I'll refund you.

1 2 3 4 5... 7

About Shk:

Administrator on SA-MP/FiveM

~ Player since 11/07/2017
~ Helper since 13/04/2018
~ Moderator since 23/11/2018
~ Administrator since 12/05/2019

Chief of Police
Gang... (more)

Registered: 11/07/2017

Logged in: 2 hours ago

Recently played

2 days ago - Played 2 hours and 50 minutes
6 days ago - Played 5 minutes

Most gaming time

8790 hours and 5 minutes
651 hours and 5 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 17/04/2024
Win in 10 contests Completed 01/09/2023
Add 50 wall posts Completed 21/05/2023