Players who are inside money zone can legally kill other nearby players that are passing by even if they havent entered money zone or passed through it at all. Some players are abusing it to grind kills for no reason whatsoever. Please fix it
Players who are inside money zone can legally kill other nearby players that are passing by even if they havent entered money zone or passed through it at all. Some players are abusing it to grind kills for no reason whatsoever. Please fix it
This is intended interaction. It works the same way that players outside of the zone can shoot inside the zone and kill players that are inside of it, so they can enter the zone without getting killed instantly.
This is intended interaction. It works the same way that players outside of the zone can shoot inside the zone and kill players that are inside of it, so they can enter the zone without getting killed instantly.
Since today, there's a delay in locating vehicle through phoning Lester and I mean serious delay, navigation shows located vehicle like 5-10 mins after the call's been made.
Since today, there's a delay in locating vehicle through phoning Lester and I mean serious delay, navigation shows located vehicle like 5-10 mins after the call's been made.
I have tested this right now and [s]there is no delay[/s], there is some kind of delay. For example the Taco Van or the Air Ambulance (which didn't even get located on my map).
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I have tested this right now and there is no delay, there is some kind of delay. For example the Taco Van or the Air Ambulance (which didn't even get located on my map).
Pretty sure that's intended. It's the same thing when you own Paleto Bay properties in GTA Online, it always tells you to go to the city to do the missions and drive back, it's really a pain.. Just don't ever buy Paleto Bay offices or future properties in that area if you wish to avoid the long drive.
Pretty sure that's intended. It's the same thing when you own Paleto Bay properties in GTA Online, it always tells you to go to the city to do the missions and drive back, it's really a pain.. Just don't ever buy Paleto Bay offices or future properties in that area if you wish to avoid the long drive.