



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Shk Administrator Film maker

Forum posts (137)

help !

I can't see your account banned mate can you send a screenshot of the message you get when you try to login.

Markevin mute...

You have been muted rightfully mate, next time it will be for more then 15mins, so better improve your behavior and that attitude towards admins as they do all the hard work and keep the servers clean and make it enjoyable for all the players, so the least thing you can do in return is give some respect.

Thread locked.


Perhaps you installed some mods, usually this game crashes are caused due to your mods, either remove your recently added mods or try reinstalling a clean version of the game and try to login.


The player has been refunded.

All the best in the new year!




You were banned for 5 days for sharing gold bar locations, then again you evaded your ban therefore you got banned for 30 days.

s3 rollback

I have refunded you.

Admins abusing power

Lol is this suppose to be funny ? let me explain to you briefly what just happened first of all we brought that hunter and hydra to do assassination not to kill you and my target was to kill a cop whereas Aman got down to do the ceo work when you had busted him and i attacked you when you were a cop also other then that criminals are allowed to kill cops so its not considered as death matching also so where did we abuse ? most of the times we do alot of assassination contracts therefore we are wanted then you and your friends keep showing up i mean seriously we are just two guys and i don't know how many of your cop friends come behind us to bust us yet fail to bust most of the times and die tho i don't need to explain myself this much but just to make it clear for you. That's because your too busy doing cops job other then that your to busy complaining about us all the time so you don't see our positive side and also we don't need to explain the work we do to you :D Really ain't that too less?

Banned evade ? why :(

Hello it seems that your playing from a net cafe where there are many cheaters/evaders that are already banned, play from your home using your internet to avoid such issues.

For Admins

Hi, as i said to you in-game also that you are not allowed to make a new account as you can see that you are lucky that you ain't banned, you know what you did was wrong yet instead of reporting it to us you abused it to gain a huge amount of money from it, also what's the point of deducting money if you are allowed to make a new account and play, my advise to you is that just start earning the money back or simply you can just find a new server to play on.

banned on servers plz help

You were banned on s2 yet you went and played on s3 as you know once your banned on one of our servers then you will remain banned on all of our servers.

please help

Hello, your brother iG4m3rX is banned for the usage of cheats, I wonder how much time it took you to write this thread as you see no matter how much of a big thread you make it won't help you nor your brother but we do support fair players after reviewing the evidence its clear that your brother have used cheats therefore he will remain banned also stop creating multiple accounts.

Thread locked.

Plz help my friend

Your so called friend MTXGAMER will get unbanned on 4.12.2019, so you can just say him to wait a month and join back, it seems he doesn't have a linked web account also may i know why are you making a thread on behalf of him and since you also don't have a game account, so what's the point of creating a web account just after your so called friend got banned is it just to make a thread for him?


This type of crashes mainly caused due to your mods, please try reinstalling a clean version of gta sa as said above and try again, if the problem still occurs pm me or any other admin.

MG lose

It looks like you had replaced your 150 Mg when you brought Rpg's from auction, you didn't save your Mg before bidding for those Rpg's therefor your 150 Mg got replaced by those Rpg's


Well it seems that this kicks are caused due to your bad internet connection better fix it. If you have any more question regarding this feel free to pm or any other admin Thread locked.

Can my helper apply get declined please.

You don't have to worry about it, we won't ban you since you are being honest with us.

Thread locked

Banned by anticheat

Information for admins.

why they banned me

No, evidence is only shown for admins its clear that you used cheats therefore you will remain banned. You know which cheats you used so i don't think you require anyone else to explain about it to you, unban after 30 days or you can buy unban from shop after 5 days also make sure to remove your cheats before you come back. Thread locked

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About Shk:

Administrator on SA-MP/FiveM

~ Player since 11/07/2017
~ Helper since 13/04/2018
~ Moderator since 23/11/2018
~ Administrator since 12/05/2019

Chief of Police
Gang... (more)

Registered: 11/07/2017

Logged in: 1 hour ago

Recently played

2 days ago - Played 2 hours and 50 minutes
6 days ago - Played 5 minutes

Most gaming time

8790 hours and 5 minutes
651 hours and 5 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 17/04/2024
Win in 10 contests Completed 01/09/2023
Add 50 wall posts Completed 21/05/2023