



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Refundrefund request

Winter Level 94 20/07/2024 11:51 PM
S2 time and date shown in bottom left corner of the video IGN: Winter my game crashed while i was inside hydra and my hydra fell to the ground safely, 2 seconds after i came back it despawned. this was all captured by my friend:
time and date shown in bottom left corner of the video
IGN: Winter
my game crashed while i was inside hydra and my hydra fell to the ground safely, 2 seconds after i came back it despawned. this was all captured by my friend:
Winter Level 94 21/07/2024 02:43 PM
Anything on this?
Anything on this?
Shk Administrator Film maker Level 134 21/07/2024 03:18 PM
If your game crash mid air while flying there is high chance your hydra despawns even tho your friend saw that it landed to the ground safely in this case we can't refund you.
If your game crash mid air while flying there is high chance your hydra despawns even tho your friend saw that it landed to the ground safely in this case we can't refund you.
sMeX Godfather Level 132 21/07/2024 03:29 PM
I agree with what Shk said above, try to go AFK while flying with Hydra or any plane and tell your friend to check where you are, he will find that on his screen plane on the ground although it's not a safe landing on yours. Crash isn't server fault, sorry.
I agree with what Shk said above, try to go AFK while flying with Hydra or any plane and tell your friend to check where you are, he will find that on his screen plane on the ground although it's not a safe landing on yours. Crash isn't server fault, sorry.
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