



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

SuggestionsSuggestions on SA-MP

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LivingRentFreeWifi Admired Level 61 24/12/2019 08:58 PM
Update the Friends system so that when someone wants to add you as a friend, you have to accept their request and then you're both friends with each other.
Update the Friends system so that when someone wants to add you as a friend, you have to accept their request and then you're both friends with each other.
Deanen Nobody Special Level 107 24/12/2019 10:32 PM
Add Police Washington Upgrades, similar to the Police Cheetah upgrades, they're both unique cops cars.
Add Police Washington Upgrades, similar to the Police Cheetah upgrades, they're both unique cops cars.
Blank Nobody Special Level 114 25/12/2019 01:28 AM
/gps - ATM, should not show ATMs that have been robbed, because you can not use them.
/gps - ATM, should not show ATMs that have been robbed, because you can not use them.
Taliban Level 4 25/12/2019 02:53 AM
My suggestion 1. The Player can adjust position a object (/item) 2. The Player can buy item in clothing store not skin 3. The Player can change skin at hospital not on clothing store 4. The player can buy hair and like mustache in barber shop 5. Add more rare object (item) Sorry if my english bad I hope server owner make it happened Thanks
My suggestion
1. The Player can adjust position a object (/item)
2. The Player can buy item in clothing store not skin
3. The Player can change skin at hospital not on clothing
4. The player can buy hair and like mustache in barber shop
5. Add more rare object (item)
Sorry if my english bad
I hope server owner make it happened
Poypoy Scam Artist Level 80 25/12/2019 03:15 AM
1.Notifications When someone unfriend you 2.ability too get friends hired as staff on warehouse they will be working like on org u will get rp and xp every job finish u will need too pay him and depends on u how much cut he will get like org system
1.Notifications When someone unfriend you
2.ability too get friends hired as staff on warehouse they will be working like on org u will get rp and xp every job finish u will need too pay him and depends on u how much cut he will get like org system
Gaza Level 30 25/12/2019 08:41 PM
can you guys please let us change the color for monster trucks thanks :)
can you guys please let us change the color for monster trucks thanks :)
WUW Legendary player Level 140 25/12/2019 09:59 PM
-There should be a special place in airports for rustlers where you can refill bombs etc, also there should be a special service near pns where you can refill stingers and other things
-There should be a special place in airports for rustlers where you can refill bombs etc, also there should be a special service near pns where you can refill stingers and other things

MonsterKill1 Legendary player Level 85 26/12/2019 01:44 AM
Make some sort of cash reward for every cheater caught. for example, if I record a video of a player with an aimbot and provide the video to admins.
Make some sort of cash reward for every cheater caught. for example, if I record a video of a player with an aimbot and provide the video to admins.
Honey13 Assassin Level 79 26/12/2019 03:48 PM
Add some yellow items like Yellow santa hat / yellow hockey mask and more items it's great idea
Add some yellow items like Yellow santa hat / yellow hockey mask and more items it's great idea
Telfort n00b Level 126 26/12/2019 04:47 PM
Mental State in S3 should reduce faster by time since we can't get kicked for DM here.
Mental State in S3 should reduce faster by time since we can't get kicked for DM here.
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