



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Telfort n00b

Forum posts (325)

Linking Fivem Account

Indeed, the use of multiple web accounts is strictly prohibited and NOT allowed.

English TikTok!

We are not asking anyone to specifically download TikTok to follow our page. This is mainly a call for players who already have TikTok, so they know that we have an English TikTok page now where we upload content and give away vouchers every video. The content is also intended to attract new players to the server

1h mute for "political discussion"

You were all muted for an hour because you were busy having a political discussion. This is against the rules in our server to prevent this kind of drama. I can understand that is it annoying and frustrating when people make jokes about war and that you want to stand up for it, but this is also not allowed and falls under 'political' discussion. All of you are rightfully muted.

Players from GTA-MULTIPLAYER.CZ 2024

You have to send a mail to: with your picture in order to get in the video


You also purchased stall 66, in which you put 250 grams of cocaine. 140 Grams have been returned to your account.
The amount of money you had when you left the server was $78143410 on 11.11.2023 after purchasing the stalls. When you joined back on 17-11-2023 +$1040800 was added to your account, and you had a total balance of $79184210. You played 2 games of poker which you lost, some other activities, and you left with $76968519 that day.

Based on our logs, I can say with 100% certainty that all your Ammo Boxes have been sold and you have received your money fairly. You are therefore not eligible for a refund.


Are you sure no Ammo Boxes have been sold? Because I see in our logs that you bought Stall 68 and a lot of items were sold in that stall for $60000 per purchase. And this money was added to your account.


Hi, thanks for your support thread. This case will be investigated. As soon as we have more information we will let you know.

what happened here ??

Everything has been investigated and your account is completely safe. You are unbanned. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let me know if you have problems joining the server.

what happened here ??

We are currently busy discussing this case

Cop coquette saved with default colors

Problem solved in PMS. Player received refund.

Cop coquette saved with default colors

That's correct. You just get a random color again

Cop coquette saved with default colors

Hi, it is indeed very annoying what happened and we are very sorry that this happened to you. I spoke to Deadovec and he reported this bug to niCe. As I already told you in-game, there were 2 options: Number 1: You keep the black Coquette Number 2: You sell the Coquette to the vehicle dealer and get $50m + 225m for the car and an extra 25m as an apology. I think that unfortunately there is no other option than these 2 options that we already discussed. But let's wait for a final verdict.

For Admins And Lead Admins And Managers

You already got your answer here: Next time you create a another thread or send us a mail regarding this, you will be banned on web.

S3 is down

Why should we compensate for something that is completely out of our hands? It's very annoying that you can't play now, but neither can other players. And if there is an easy way to compensate, niCe would certainly do this for his players. But please don't complain on forums for such reasons. Server is already online


Hey! As Morpheus mentioned we don’t have this feature on our website, but you can always suggest it. But we do have a leaderboard! Try to play a lot of Quiz Games and try to get as many points as possible and reach the top! Thread closed[doge_dog]

Post the funny things you saw here.

Unban - mera

We have looked at everything carefully and have come to the conclusion that you have not used any cheats. You are unbanned. Sorry for the inconvenience! If you have trouble logging in, you can send me a private message on web[doge_dog]

Unban - mera

Hi Mera, Your unban appeal will be processed. Secondly, we don't ban players just because they win a race. You will receive an answer as soon as we have more information.

Staff Report - S2

Be happy that you are still allowed to play on our server with this kind of extremely racist behavior. You are the type of player who challenges players and staff members on our server to the limit to provoke a reaction so that you can report them and laugh sad behind your computer. Next time you try to defame one of our staff members by creating a thread like this, we will take action against it.

Unbanned Request

Hi, as far as I can see you are not banned from the server. Please try turning off all your devices and turning your router on and off, this may solve the problem. Please make sure you make an unban appeal according to the format next time!

1 2 3 4 5... 17

About Telfort:

Thank you to everyone who made this experience so special. Until we meet again in another virtual world, take care and keep gaming!
Former Administrator on S3 & FiveM2
Registered: 2014

Registered: 09/04/2016

Logged in: 31/12/2024

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Recent achievements

Make 50 friends Completed 08/07/2023
Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 25/06/2023
Leave 500 comments Completed 29/03/2023