When you write a bleet on bleeter website, other players can "like" your message.You can add bleet once every 1 hour.
02/06/2023Hello DhanuKo, I appreciate your suggestions, but please put all your suggestions in this thread.
30/05/2023if he adds the tokens at a price of $500,000 per 5 tokens, the cost would reach 660k, so he is right if that's the case.
29/05/2023Hello AhMeD0R,
From what I understand, you are saying that you got back the amount of tokens that you have added/sold in /market before the rollback.So what is the issue? You can add it again for sale in /market using /sellmoney.Sorry if I misunderstood something.
Hello YankeeM2, Are you trying to connect to the server from a stable connection ?If not, then try again later when a have a stable/good connection.Also,try re-setting your game account's password from here.
26/05/2023When you kill a player within 30 seconds(after they leave the cop job) while you are a wanted criminal, you don't attain mental state and the server wouldn't count it as killing without any reason.
16/05/2023https://i.imgur.com/6Xzk496.png The "1000 skills" category is not in line with the gang rank,skills and Unlocked bonus category in /ganghelp.
15/05/2023You can get various things such as money,tear gases,premium account for a specific time duration,colored emergency vehicles,Bobby traps,Drugs,counterfeit chips,ammo boxes,Minigun ammo,RPG ammo etc in random packages.
You don't need to create a seperate thread to ask these and as I said earlier, ask these questions to the online /helpers.
You need to click on the options button is a player's profile(located at the top right corner), then select "send message" option.
15/05/2023Hello pablau,
Do you mean how to send a message in-game ? Use /pm <id> <message> to send a private message in-game.Next time,ask these kind of questions to /helpers in-game.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psWsSApFS9E - Most of the times the new market houses have bugged exit.That is, it spawns you outside one of the office nearby instead of outside the house.
15/05/2023If you meant attacking cops when you don't have any stars, then sorry for misunderstanding your sentence.
14/05/2023- https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/screenshots/vanocni-stromek-christmas-tree/ This feature looks awesome and I suggest it to be added back to the server during christmas.But if it was removed due to some issues, I can understand
11/05/2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msyCXrzhKW4 - Cars bought in car showroom does not get insured if we destroy it.I tried purchasing a car to test this and mors mutual insurance says there is no insured car available to be delivered.I even tried calling it multiple times after the recording and still it does not work. // reposting it
26/04/2023Hello milecuksna,
It is not a bug, the car is located at the location.Search for it once more.
Quote by niCe on the previous page: You will not attain wanted level for attacking enemy gang members in a gang war. (this includes when you defend yourself from someone who is attacking you too.) The +1 mental occurs only when you attack a player outside of gang wars.
24/04/2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msyCXrzhKW4 - Cars bought in car showroom does not get insured if we destroy it.I tried purchasing a car to test this and mors mutual insurance says there is no insured car available to be delivered.I even tried calling it multiple times after the recording and still it does not work. // note : To be clear, Im not claiming a refund since its lesser than 100k, but still wanted to report this
23/04/2023Registered: 29/10/2019
Logged in: 24/01/2025