Hello, Do not create multiple threads ! Please post your suggestions in -Suggestions on SA-MP- thread mentioned by our helper in your previous thread. Suggestions Thread.And also, please remember to post your suggestion with a new post instead of replying to the old ones. It is already a feature for premium players and also for non-premium players, you could add multiple items in your hand,head and your back.For that, you need to collect those items in-game.N > Items and Clothes > Collected items.
11/10/2023Hello Kayzer,
There is a feature in drug wars known as Dealers insurgence, it occurs randomly similar to police raid and will cause the player to lose all the dealers in a drug hood.Read /dp in-game to know about it.
Hey there Mceal,
As long as I know,there's no feature in the server which would deduct your tokens if you become inactive.I cannot understand what you are talking about ( if I ever misunderstood what you are trying to say).If this has happened to you somehow, I suggest you to ask for a refund.There might've been some other reason if it's deducted by an administrator.
//edit : If you are somehow asking about the time period for inactivity kick in-game, its usually after a hour of inactivity.
Let me guess... 17-19 ? don't get offended tho cuz im somewhere the same age and I had grown alot of facial hair
03/08/2023- Humble suggestion to remove some colors ( original colors of a emergency vehicle) from /randompackage inorder to avoid a player from getting one of the original cars from random packages.
11/07/2023Hello ascendz, Yes /top changes every 30 minutes ( exactly :00 time or :30 server time just like lottery). Can you be specific about the problem that you are facing please?
07/07/2023Not sure if this was intended or not but the bonus for crushing cars were not added in the summer bonus.
04/07/2023Hello SaturnsDoomed,
Have you registered on our servers before ?If you are a new player, I think you had an already registered nickname in your SA-MP client.Kindly try changing it to another name and then try joining the server.
Ahoj, Toto je anglické fórum, zveřejněte to prosím na českém fóru klikněte zde:https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/forum/29/
02/07/2023Hello realsurreal,
If it's not the keyboard that's causing it, I might as well suggest you to remove any modifications that you might've installed and use a clean game.Re-installation might solve the problem too.
Thank You
Please avoid spamming and instead use the edit button.The link that you have provided previously is not working for some reason,so could you get another link and post it between this ? <link>[*/url] Make sure to remove "*" while posting it here.
It does not matter if you have bought the garage or not though, because the vehicle would still be listed in /savedvehicles and would have a tag "Not purchased" in red.When it comes to houses though, your vehicle would've been long gone since the vehicle gets deleted if your house days expires.This is not the case for garages as they would still have your vehicles irrespective of whether or not you own that garage.
Thank You
BUYING Server : S3 Vehicle : Any vibrant colored police cars (except LVPD) Budget : depends on the color (ranging from 20m - 150m) My in-game name is TecHDuDe aswell, you can also message me here on web.
02/06/2023Registered: 29/10/2019
Logged in: 24/01/2025