Yeah bro he should learn something from you and btw is this English (Phillipines) ?
If u understand what im saying yes its english. What u want me to say? Ur a grammar teacher?
faraziHelperExecutionerLevel 11921/07/2023 08:11 AM
“And i think hes not a good english speaking cause EZ is his only word know lol”Yeah bro he should learn something from you and btw is this English (Phillipines) ?
I hit that guy for almost 5 hits in sniper but only 2 registered damage. Hes only one i cant fully damage every time i hit him. Even using mg hes like a iron. And i think hes not a good english speaking cause EZ is his only word know lol
If u understand what im saying yes its english. What u want me to say? Ur a grammar teacher?