




CONTEST! Player of the month

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niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 339 07/04/2012 04:51 AM
This contest is valid until revoked. Each month we pick the top 10 players with the most gaming time on our English servers at and and each player wins certain amount of money on our website. To join this competition, all you need to do is to link your game account with the website. You can do that right here: Prizes: 1st place: 500 Tokens 2nd - 3rd place: 250 Tokens 4th - 10th place: 100 Tokens 11th - 20th place: 50 Tokens Good luck to all players and have a lot of fun on our server! Change of contest rules 1th May 2019: All players kicked too many times for inactivity are disqualified from the contest, because of fraudulent boosting of playing time
This contest is valid until revoked. Each month we pick the top 10 players with the most gaming time on our English servers at and and each player wins certain amount of money on our website. To join this competition, all you need to do is to link your game account with the website. You can do that right here:

1st place: 500 Tokens
2nd - 3rd place: 250 Tokens
4th - 10th place: 100 Tokens
11th - 20th place: 50 Tokens

Good luck to all players and have a lot of fun on our server!

Change of contest rules 1th May 2019: All players kicked too many times for inactivity are disqualified from the contest, because of fraudulent boosting of playing time
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 339 01/05/2012 09:45 AM
Since admins don't count into this contest, the winners are: Duplo, krejzi, jirce, strayer and Pratham. Congratulations!
Duplo 87 hodin a 0 minut
niCe 83 hodin a 20 minut
krejzi 79 hodin a 25 minut
jirce 77 hodin a 25 minut
GoD 70 hodin a 30 minut
Dahleytje 64 hodin a 25 minut
strayer 59 hodin a 10 minut
Pratham 56 hodin a 45 minut

Since admins don't count into this contest, the winners are: Duplo, krejzi, jirce, strayer and Pratham. Congratulations!
Jirce49 Godfather Level 154 01/05/2012 11:16 AM
where is Issam?? Top player.. baad baad
where is Issam?? Top player.. baad baad
OneManShow VI. Jirce49
Tosti Level 7 01/05/2012 10:27 PM
He left his cash at me to make 4m to 5m, but now I have 8m and he still didn't came back to take the cash :/.
where is Issam?? Top player.. baad baadHe left his cash at me to make 4m to 5m, but now I have 8m and he still didn't came back to take the cash :/.
Hi ^^ !
Dahleytje Advanced player Level 13 02/05/2012 07:14 AM
Congratulations everyone on winning! @tosti: Issam is on vacation ;) Dahley
Congratulations everyone on winning!

@tosti: Issam is on vacation ;)

Duplo Level 24 02/05/2012 09:44 AM
Yay i won.. not sure if it's good or im just addicted O.o Thanks anyway :P i love this server.
Yay i won.. not sure if it's good or im just addicted O.o
Thanks anyway :P
i love this server.
Issam Litterer Level 5 02/05/2012 02:10 PM
Say what? hand over the money or ban :) xD just kidding, and niCe said i wont win :O so i decided to let it for someone else.
Say what? hand over the money or ban :) xD just kidding, and niCe said i wont win :O so i decided to let it for someone else.
iBeer Level 14 05/05/2012 11:48 PM
Next time i'll be top:(
Next time i'll be top:(
Gotenx Nobody Special Level 5 10/05/2012 09:55 PM
Now I can see why Delux is trying so hard haha! I think it's a bit late for me, maybe next month.
Now I can see why Delux is trying so hard haha! I think it's a bit late for me, maybe next month.
You can't beat the system,
But you can play it for a mug!
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 339 01/06/2012 02:55 PM
There are the results for May! Players who have won 5 USD or 4 EUR: Duplo, krejzi, Red, Pratham and iBeer! Congratulations to everyone!
There are the results for May!

Duplo 180 hodin a 0 minut
krejzi 165 hodin a 45 minut

AyGe 156 hodin a 20 minut
HaLfPiPe4 155 hodin a 15 minut
Dahleytje 147 hodin a 50 minut
Red 144 hodin a 0 minut
Pratham 140 hodin a 0 minut
iBeer 118 hodin a 10 minut

bobo4095 114 hodin a 55 minut
yourtje 112 hodin a 25 minut

Players who have won 5 USD or 4 EUR: Duplo, krejzi, Red, Pratham and iBeer! Congratulations to everyone!
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This topic has been locked due to inactivity.