



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

I Got Banned in S3

infernal2018 Level 85 03/12/2018 08:48 AM
Admin will u explain to me why i got banned on S3 also im not banned in s2 i am already unbanned in s2 when i play in s3 that admin kenneth banned me cause im banned in s2 but im not actually banned in s2 please help me,Also check my new post if u want proof that i am not banned in s2
Admin will u explain to me why i got banned on S3 also im not banned in s2 i am already unbanned in s2 when i play in s3 that admin kenneth banned me cause im banned in s2 but im not actually banned in s2 please help me,Also check my new post if u want proof that i am not banned in s2
Nichellex Administrator General Level 106 03/12/2018 09:00 AM
Hello ! If you’re banned on one server, you are banned on all.
Hello ! If you’re banned on one server, you are banned on all.
infernal2018 Level 85 03/12/2018 09:01 AM
but really im not banned in s2 and s3 when i try to log on today i got banned
but really im not banned in s2 and s3 when i try to log on today i got banned
AM4N Wise one Level 126 03/12/2018 09:09 AM
Hello I'll lock this thread until an administrator responds to avoid spam.
Hello I'll lock this thread until an administrator responds to avoid spam.
This text is displayed only for administrators
Prabhat26 Worshipped Level 131 03/12/2018 09:15 AM
Your are not banned but the cafe you are trying to play from is, play from your home and you won't face these issues.
Your are not banned but the cafe you are trying to play from is, play from your home and you won't face these issues.
infernal2018 Level 85 03/12/2018 09:20 AM
ty admin
ty admin
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