Hello, hope you are having a great time.
Are you ready to prove your skills?
Welcome to S3 Battle Royale: The Best TRIO
There will be a TOURNAMENT on s3 that will take place from 11/3/2025 to 14/3/2025, "12 DAYS LATER.
It will be TRIOS COMPETITION to make it more fun, we will have 16 TEAMS "16 * 3 players in each team = 48 PLAYERS" in total. Here is the TOURNAMENT TABLE that we will be working on:
As It's clear in the PICTURE ABOVE, We will have 4 GROUPS, Each Group contains 4 TEAMS, In Each group, there will be 4 teams that will compete in order to have ONE TEAM FROM EACH GROUP to compete in the "Semi-FINALS", and then the FINAL MATCH.
Once we get 16 TEAMS, I'll make a DRAW to decide every team's group. For example, "Team1 , Team2, Team3, Team4.... Team16" are in the draw, will let the wheel spin choose 4 RANDOM Teams, this will be Group A, and so on until all groups are done. On the same hand, once all teams are ready, we will start the Tournament at 11/3/2025.
In addition, ANOTHER DRAW will decide which 2 teams will be competing against each other in each GROUP. For example, Group A contains 4 Teams: T1 , T2 , T3 , T4, There is a CHANCE THAT T4 will play AGAINST one of the other teams "T1, T2, T3", not necessarily T3 only. Moreover, EACH 2 TEAMS WILL COMPETE 3 TIMES to have a Fair Competition. For example, the draw says that T1 will play AGAINST T3, then T1 V T3 will get the chance to play 3 times. However, If one of the teams loses 2 times in a row "which is 2-0", the teams WON'T GET THE CHANCE TO PLAY the 3rd Game as the winner team is ALREADY MADE IT.
But, for Quarter-FINAL & Semi-FINAL & FINAL, it will be ONE MATCH ONLY, so there is no 2nd chance.
KEEP IN MIND,, Each 2 teams will be competing in 3 DIFFERENT MAPS. Similarly, Semi-Finals will be in completely Different Map. And of course, Keeping the best map for the FINAL MATCH. In addition, Every team will have 3 weapons each: SAWNOFF, SNIPER-RIFLE, DEAGLE only.
13/3/2025 Quarter-FINAL "8 teams, 2 teams from each GROUP & We will continue with Semi-FINAL "4 teams" ~ the winner team from group A v C, and the winner team from Group B v D
The Matches Time: they're going to be at 20:00 server time.
1- If any of the teams didn't attend at the exact time of their match, THEY WILL BE ELIMINATED.
2- It's IMPORTANT to fix your connection before playing the Tournament, Because lagers WILL BE ELIMINATED AUTO.
3- Using cheats IS FOBIDDEN, and WHOEVER uses it to win the Tournament I'll DEDUCT THE PRIZE from the player, in addition to a ban.
4- Will start to remove some covers after 10 minutes of making the event to let others have the chance.
5- Every Team Leader is supposed to MAKE A COMMENT on this thread with his 2 TEAM MATES NAMES, and IT'S NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE YOUR TEAMMATES.
6- The Tournament is only for SERVER 3 PLAYERS at this moment. However, s2 players can have a chance IF AND ONLY IF we haven't completed 16 teams., because I'm planning something for s2 later.
The prize will be $22,500,000 divided on 3 players of the winner team, which leaves each of them with $7,500,000 Prize. Finally, THE FINAL MATCH MAP IS:
//Thread will be LOCKED once we get 48 players names.
Hello, hope you are having a great time.
Are you ready to prove your skills? Welcome to S3 Battle Royale: The Best TRIO
There will be a TOURNAMENT on s3 that will take place from 11/3/2025 to 14/3/2025, "12 DAYS LATER.
It will be TRIOS COMPETITION to make it more fun, we will have 16 TEAMS "16 * 3 players in each team = 48 PLAYERS" in total. Here is the TOURNAMENT TABLE that we will be working on:
As It's clear in the PICTURE ABOVE, We will have 4 GROUPS, Each Group contains 4 TEAMS, In Each group, there will be 4 teams that will compete in order to have ONE TEAM FROM EACH GROUP to compete in the "Semi-FINALS", and then the FINAL MATCH.
Once we get 16 TEAMS, I'll make a DRAW to decide every team's group. For example, "Team1 , Team2, Team3, Team4.... Team16" are in the draw, will let the wheel spin choose 4 RANDOM Teams, this will be Group A, and so on until all groups are done. On the same hand, once all teams are ready, we will start the Tournament at 11/3/2025.
In addition, ANOTHER DRAW will decide which 2 teams will be competing against each other in each GROUP. For example, Group A contains 4 Teams: T1 , T2 , T3 , T4, There is a CHANCE THAT T4 will play AGAINST one of the other teams "T1, T2, T3", not necessarily T3 only. Moreover, EACH 2 TEAMS WILL COMPETE 3 TIMES to have a Fair Competition. For example, the draw says that T1 will play AGAINST T3, then T1 V T3 will get the chance to play 3 times. However, If one of the teams loses 2 times in a row "which is 2-0", the teams WON'T GET THE CHANCE TO PLAY the 3rd Game as the winner team is ALREADY MADE IT. But, for Quarter-FINAL & Semi-FINAL & FINAL, it will be ONE MATCH ONLY, so there is no 2nd chance.
KEEP IN MIND,, Each 2 teams will be competing in 3 DIFFERENT MAPS. Similarly, Semi-Finals will be in completely Different Map. And of course, Keeping the best map for the FINAL MATCH. In addition, Every team will have 3 weapons each: SAWNOFF, SNIPER-RIFLE, DEAGLE only.
11/3/2025 - GROUP A & GROUP C MATCHES 12/3/2025 - GROUP B & GROUP D MATCHES 13/3/2025 Quarter-FINAL "8 teams, 2 teams from each GROUP & We will continue with Semi-FINAL "4 teams" ~ the winner team from group A v C, and the winner team from Group B v D 14/3/2025 THE FINAL MATCH Between the LAST 2 TEAMS STANDING. The Matches Time: they're going to be at 20:00 server time.
1- If any of the teams didn't attend at the exact time of their match, THEY WILL BE ELIMINATED. 2- It's IMPORTANT to fix your connection before playing the Tournament, Because lagers WILL BE ELIMINATED AUTO. 3- Using cheats IS FOBIDDEN, and WHOEVER uses it to win the Tournament I'll DEDUCT THE PRIZE from the player, in addition to a ban. 4- Will start to remove some covers after 10 minutes of making the event to let others have the chance. 5- Every Team Leader is supposed to MAKE A COMMENT on this thread with his 2 TEAM MATES NAMES, and IT'S NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE YOUR TEAMMATES. 6- The Tournament is only for SERVER 3 PLAYERS at this moment. However, s2 players can have a chance IF AND ONLY IF we haven't completed 16 teams., because I'm planning something for s2 later.
THE TOURNAMENT PRIZE: The prize will be $22,500,000 divided on 3 players of the winner team, which leaves each of them with $7,500,000 Prize. Finally, THE FINAL MATCH MAP IS:
//Thread will be LOCKED once we get 48 players names.
It's lame that S2 players can't participate at this moment.
“6- The Tournament is only for SERVER 3 PLAYERS at this moment. However, s2 players can have a chance IF AND ONLY IF we haven't completed 16 teams., because I'm planning something for s2 later.” It's lame that S2 players can't participate at this moment.
Don't worry, it will be OFF as long as none is abusing it.
KINDLY: Just text me in game or on web if you have any question.. instead of making new posts.
Don't worry, it will be OFF as long as none is abusing it.
KINDLY: Just text me in game or on web if you have any question.. instead of making new posts.