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Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

ReportPlayer Report

Yassine192 Legendary player Level 69 15/01/2025 08:19 PM
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Nichellex Nichellex Administrator 15/01/2025 08:37 PM
Hi, when reporting more then one player next time please make sure to add their nicknames in the "Add Player" button so we'll be more aware of who exactly are you reporting. This will be investigated and discussed, thread will be opened so you can post any new videos you get.

when reporting more then one player next time please make sure to add their nicknames in the "Add Player" button so we'll be more aware of who exactly are you reporting. This will be investigated and discussed, thread will be opened so you can post any new videos you get.
Yassine192 Legendary player Level 69 23/01/2025 01:21 PM
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Nichellex Nichellex Administrator 23/01/2025 10:01 PM
Hi, Thank you for posting additional evidence regarding this case, however, i'm afraid we'll need more. Once you get more feel free to post them in here. Thanks!

Thank you for posting additional evidence regarding this case, however, i'm afraid we'll need more. Once you get more feel free to post them in here. Thanks!
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