I might add the name of all the people I think deserve knowing my contact (to chat with them) It's a shame those friends are only active in this community and we don't chat anywhere else (what wouldn't I do for you)
:List of all the people I wanna add there: Morched23MJ, M4D, Markevin, Parker, [gsf]Kevin, All [E1] Clan Members, M3RT, Veky, Scotty, Theseus, Azure, Jeev (I think was his name) and many more!
(If some of you don't know/remember me it's embarassing but okay :-D) You see when I look at these names I can't help but to feel something attached like memories you're oldschool too after all most of the people that were once idiots including me are now fine)
Morched23MJ, M4D, Markevin, Parker, [gsf]Kevin, All [E1] Clan Members, M3RT, Veky, Scotty, Theseus, Azure, Jeev (I think was his name) and many more!
(If some of you don't know/remember me it's embarassing but okay :-D)
You see when I look at these names I can't help but to feel something attached like memories you're oldschool too after all most of the people that were once idiots including me are now fine)