



Spooky halloween to all players!
xxh n00b

Gaming stats

Game server
Gaming time 195 hours and 6 minutes
Longest non-stop game 22 hours and 12 minutes
Money $79,029
Level 48
Achievements completed 52
Daily objectives completed 1
Number of consecutive daily objectives completed 0
Good sport rewards earned 37
RP 13,225
Times busted 41
Time spent in prison 1 hour and 7 minutes
Wanted stars attained 260
Wanted stars evaded 58
Police bribes 41
Highest wanted time 7 hours and 43 minutes
Hidden packages found 0
Dumpsters searched 12
Wallets found 0
Mushrooms picked 0
Money bags collected 0
Money zones held 4
Money couriers killed 0
Vehicles resprayed 27
Car wash used 5
Bus stops passed as passenger 0
Metro stations passed 0
Cable car rides 0
Bench reps 0
Freeweight reps 0
Sit up reps 0
Chin up reps 0
Distance on treadmill 0.00 km
Furthest car driven without crash 64.11 km
Distance travelled on foot 136.98 km
Distance travelled by swimming 0.41 km
Distance travelled in car 9,509.11 km
Distance travelled on bicycle 0.00 km
Distance travelled on bike 832.57 km
Distance travelled on quadbike 0.00 km
Distance travelled in boat 101.52 km
Distance travelled in helicopter 0.00 km
Distance travelled in plane 28.48 km
Distance travelled in blimp 0.00 km
House visitors 3
Drinks at bar 0
Drinks at bar with players 0
Bounties set 1
Car bombs exploded 0
Players killed 6
Times died 31
Kills / deaths ratio 0
Highest kill streak 3
Suicides 3
Melee kills 0
RC bomb kills 0
Psychopath killed 0
Gang members killed 0
NPC killed 349
Highest survive time 37 hours and 28 minutes
Survived with bounty 1
Handgun kills 1
Submachine gun kills 0
Shotgun kills 0
Assault rifle kills 0
Light machine gun kills 0
Sniper rifle kills 0
Heavy weapon kills 0
Throwable kills 0
Targets in shooting range hit 0
Shops robbed 967
Safes cracked 1
ATMs robbed 1
Money from credit cards stolen $0
Containers robbed 0
Luggage stolen 0
Pickpocketing skills 3
Armoured trucks robbed 0
Exported cars 1
Assassination contracts completed 0
Players with bounty killed 0
Parking meters destroyed 60
Cash collected from parking meters $5,605
Police database hacked 0
Businesses purchased 3
Cash made on businesses $188,585
Cars crushed 1
Most cars crushed in row 1
Stalls purchased 1
Stall sales 0
Cash made in stalls $0
Aircraft drops collected 0
Valuables found with metal detector 0
Underwater treasure found 0
Goods sold in pawn shop 15
Cash made in pawn shop $200,750
Storage wars participated 2
Storage lockers purchased 1
Cash made in storage wars $103,750
Highest profit from storage locker $103,750
Fish caught 0
Cash made on selling fish $0
Largest caught fish 0 kg
Animals hunted 0
Cash made on selling venison $0
Sales made in warehouse 0
Cash made in warehouse $0
Money spent on weapons $1,061,750
Money spent on houses $3,625,000
Money spent on vehicles $32,475,000
Money spent on car parts $35,569,000
Money spent on clothes $357,125
Money spent on hairdresser $21,500
Money spent in sex shop $210
Money spent on food $3,895
Money spent in bars $0
Money spent on healthcare $32,800
Money spent on bails $205,000
Money given to tramps $1,800
Money thrown to buskers $0
Hookers visited 2
Bull Shark Testosterone used 0
Tacos purchased from taco vendors 1
Cocaine packages purchased from ice cream vendors 3
Guns purchased from arms dealer 3
Goods in stalls purchased 5
Cocaine 1,364
Cocaine from dealers purchased 30
Cocaine used 4
Grams of cocaine produced 36,094
Cash made on selling cocaine $11,662,500
Weed 1,398
Weed from dealers purchased 0
Weed produced 32,284
Weed used 0
Cash made on selling weed $4,575,750
Hemps planted 0
Weed from hemps grown 0
Meth 0
Meth from dealers purchased 0
Meth used 0
Cash made on selling meth $0
Police skills 0
Donuts as police officer eaten 0
NPC criminals killed 0
Police reports written 0
Criminals arrested undercover 0
Hemps seized 0
Paramedic skills 0
Firefighter skills 2
Taxi driver skills 0
NPC customers driven in taxi 0
Pizza boy skills 0
Trucker skills 1
Bus driver skills 19
Valet skills 5
Pimp skills 61
Trashman skills 0
Ice cream vendor skills 0
Taco vendor skills 0
Arms dealer skills 0
Lawyer skills 0
Tow truck driver skills 0
Security guard skills 11
Most cash delivered without being robbed 13
Undertaker skills 0
Farmer skills 50
Mower skills 0
Drug courier skills 52
Air trafficker skills 0
Pilot skills 0
Fisherman skills 31
Pyrotechnist skills 0
Burglar skills 43
Cash made on organization income $0
CEO jobs completed 104
Missions completed 3
Missions from Gerald completed 2
Missions from Lamar completed 1
Gang hoods captured 0
Gang hoods defended 0
Cash made on gang hoods $0
Gang vans delivered 0
Skills in Families 0
Skills in Ballas 0
Skills in Los Santos Vagos 0
Skills in Varrios Los Aztecas 0
Skills in Marabunta Grande 0
Skills in The Lost MC 0
Lottery wins 0
Race wins 0
Basejump wins 0
Deathmatch wins 0
Team deathmatch wins 0
Boxing matches won 0
Stunt challenge wins 0
Event wins 3
Total zombies killed 38
Most zombies killed during event 14
Main prizes in car meets won 0
Prizes in car meets won 0
Cash in car meets won $0
Highest score on car meet 0
Car meets participated 0

About xxh:

call me later shawty

Registered: 02/02/2024

Logged in: 14/03/2024

Recently played

4 months ago - Played 0 minutes

Most gaming time

192 hours and 35 minutes

Recent achievements

Set your user title Completed 14/02/2024
Set a forum signature Completed 14/02/2024
Play 100 hours on game servers Completed 11/02/2024
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