1st category: K00L 2nd category: ObiToPetrikov 3rd category: Log4shell 4th category: Xebec 5th category: adivnas 6th category: Gtee 7th category: Noah 8th category: no nomination 9th category: no nomination 10th category: Pwnography 11th category: no nomination 12th category: New weed farms and cocaine lockups
01/01/2023ujjwaltheboss I just got lucky the ingredients were exactly added (that's the hardest part where you lose 1%-2%) then I kept temperature all the time between min and max, and that's the result
08/05/2022alright bro, the way is still long anything can happen, good luck you all
03/04/2022Bruh what secret, the contest started the night of 24 March before midnight, if you did that daily objective after the contest start and before midnight you ll get the extra +1
02/04/2022Bro DimeSky If I do a daily objective just before midnight and one just after that's 2 daily objectives in one "day", no thing magic there
02/04/2022Registered: 06/12/2021
Logged in: 31/01/2025