




Forum posts (147)

I lost my FT Sultan

but how can they change the car color if i didn't sell it?

I lost my FT Sultan

oh ok...

I lost my FT Sultan

That wasn't my sultan because my sultan had color 0 not color 91 and wheels were switch not cutter...

I lost my FT Sultan

Hello Admins, I'm ThatDamnTrain and I play in s2. Today at server time 20:19 I was driving my sultan near Idlewood Hospital and then a player named cHuckz2004 came and asked me if I can lend him my FT Sultan which in turn he would give me 50k. This is the log for that: I agreed and gave him my car (I didn't /sell it to him). Later, after 30-45min he pmed me: Then I opened my phone to call mechanic and I saw that my sultan was gone. In a few mintues, that player was also kicked for 10 hours. I clearly remember that I didn't overwrite my garage or I changed my garage. I can't find it in /savedvehicles. But I do remember that I did an /auction of a FT sultan for a player named Archibar. who was, after sometimes, banned for 10 hours for scamming. Both these players where kicked at the same time. Can anyone please help me get my FT Sultan back?

1 million scammed.

But why can't you refund my money sir? I lost everything i earned. I had $0 in my account. Now, after 2hrs i have $100k.

1 million scammed.

yes bro i know but he was good at persuading,..

1 million scammed.

Hey, this is me ThatDamnTrain (game id), so lets begin.
Today, in the morning (9 am), I started money courier job with a guy named Sergio.Marquina. He said it's his birthday so he wants 200k as gift. I gave him 100k instead. Then I told him that I can't give him that much money because I need 10 million dollars to buy a nice LVPD car. He said that if I gave him all my money ($102,201,672) then he would give my a brand new ft. FBI rancher. He showed it too. It's been 3 hours and he didn't gave me the car. Now, I know he's a scammer and he has left the server now. Can anybody help me how could I get my money back. I earned all that money in 3 months. Please somebody help me..

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Registered: 29/12/2021

Logged in: 12/04/2024

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