



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (29)

Hackers in Admins offline time

not a thread about catching hackers, about admins online time, but anyway thx for the help.

Hackers in Admins offline time

Over the last month, everytime like now admins are offline and hackers are online and us their hacks and we can't do anything about it, so plz hire some admins who can be online at this time to avoid hackers from hurting other players and ruining their gameplay.

why me ban from s3?

Guys, sMex has the right to play, it's normal his brother is playing too even from his computer, the right number for multiaccounts should be 5-10 for example, but it's only 2.

Nooby Cop abusing

Cops usually come infront of ammunation at LS, then when i'm in gang fighting with other gangsters they come and mean to get me arrested and i lost a lot of ammo and money on this shit, and when i feel really angry bec admins don't do anything about it and family insult the cops, they mute me for like 5hrs as if i were the only one breaking the rules. This kind of rules breaking is called harassment and abusing other players that's also bec they say things like EZ in chat and stuff like that after cop abusing. So i need admins to prevent this shit for once and forever so i can play in peace.

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 16 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English (learning 12 years).
Total gaming time on the server: 500 hours
Gaming time per day: 6-12 hours
Registration on web: 24.05.2016
Server: San Andreas 3 (
In-game name: Tornado
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
For Helper.

Suggestions on SA-MP

The ability to have coffee with strippers when u invite them to ur house or maybe hookers.
*If you know what i mean ;)*

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 15 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English (learning 12 years).
Total gaming time on the server: 500 hours
Gaming time per day: 6-12 hours
Registration on web: 24.05.2016
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
For Helper.

Bug reports on SA-MP

Hey Guys, I have a problem with LV Transfender. The bug that damages the back door after exiting the shop and The bug works only Landstalker (At least what I tested). I think it isn't a GTA or SAMP bug and I think it can be fixed by changing exiting shop teleport coords. Thanks for Reading this Post.

Payment Problem

Hi guys, I was muted for 5 hours just for telling my friend in PM the following website , Admin: OG_Cracka_Kyle.

1 2

About Tornado92:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 24/05/2016

Logged in: 08/08/2021

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Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 03/06/2019
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 01/06/2018
Leave 10 comments Completed 29/07/2017