



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
TheRMan Advanced player

Forum posts (247)

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello everybody These servers Racing System is trash to be honestly with you ! After a weak I'm going to play a little and have some funny Races but some " Trash Racers" ram me , block my way , teaming in that God damn Race , using speed hacks and any Trash way you can imagine . There is only one way to stop these kids and it's " Ghost Racing System" which allows players to have a Race without crashing into each other . I'm playing GTA San Andreas for at least 7 years and I can say my driving skill isn't bad but some Noob and New Players try to win with their "Poor Driving Skill" and they should stopped . So please add this God damn Racing System to show these kids what is the real SKILL ! Thanks for answering

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello again
I have a suggestion . Can you create a Telegram group for every server ? With this reporting bugs and etc will be easier and we can be in touch at any time . In that group we can also easily ask our questions and get answer from who knows it xD

//That won't happen.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello everybody again :)
Today I was thinking about tuning my new Hotring Racer A but when I arrived at LSC, I recognized that price of parts are very high . Is it for updates or congressmen ? (Anyway please fix it as possible xD)
Another suggestion is add Back Fire to vehicles . Just imagine a monster like Infernus with Back Fire , that could be very fun but like Purple Neon you have to win 50 Impromptu Races to unlock it .
You can script it very easy because you are niCe man :)

Suggestions on SA-MP

I don't know but that would be better , double RP is active for Pool minigame but only 40 RP :/

Suggestions on SA-MP

It's true but what you think is better ? Double RP be activated for pool minigame which is boring and less players want to do it , or it have to be activated for SA Endurance which is a race and it's fun enough ? xD

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello everybody who will watch this :)
As you know bonuses are over and making RP is a little hard . Still there is double RP but for pool minigame ! What if you active this double RP for SA Endurance ? It's a long race and only 480 , 969 RP is not fair
Can you do it niCe ? xD

Double RP

Hello everybody who will watch this post :)
As you know the bonuses is over and making RP is a little hard but still there is 2x RP in servers . It's for pool minigame ! What if you active this 2x RP for SA Endurance race ? That would be better...

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About TheRMan:

SF to LV, 2:23
SA Endurance, 5:59
LV Ring Road, 1:50
City Circuit, 1:18
Ring Of Fire, 1:18
SF Hills, 3:51

Registered: 21/06/2021

Logged in: 29 minutes ago

Recently played

4 days ago - Played 45 minutes

Most gaming time

1007 hours and 30 minutes

Recent achievements

Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 04/11/2024
Add 50 screenshots Completed 16/05/2024
Make 100 posts on the forums Completed 11/12/2023