MajaBajaRajaPhotographerLevel 4509/07/2024 06:05 AM
I will return to San Andreas as an African Samurai and also it should come out as no surprise when you see me on IdleWood as the last surviving Gangsta' Ninja left in that hood. 🥷🏿
MajaBajaRajaPhotographerLevel 4502/05/2024 08:19 AM
Telly Belly, Rody I brought grapes to your wall in honor of the Ballas/KuKuGang/Front Yard-Rollin' Heights/PurpleTrigga'/GrapePueblo 🍇
I came back to the game, I used to have 500m+ balance. When I tried to sell my tokens, it showed that I can't because of the in-game money limit. So, I asked what to do, YOU told me to buy MGs or vehicles and that way my balance would go down and I'll be able to sell my tokens. But, YOU FORGOT TO MENTION 1 THING
Thank you to everyone who made this experience so special. Until we meet again in another virtual world, take care and keep gaming! - Former Administrator on S3 & FiveM2 Registered: 2014
I brought grapes to your wall in honor of the Ballas/KuKuGang/Front Yard-Rollin' Heights/PurpleTrigga'/GrapePueblo 🍇
WTLS Funny Moments