Insulting the mother in another language : ,
Pls mute :)
Well thank you! When I sold it, Anish took her car, but then she did not like her and sold it to Kush, and I think he's at it now! Scammers Names: YahWeh, Taaraz (not sure for this nick)
Sorry for my English!
I saving 6m from auction of my car!Car cost;7.1m
Hello yesterday I bought a full tuning infa and I drove but today a girl has a similar taarez I'm not sure but wanted to drive my car I gave it to her .. I got it in friends in the game and he took it and went to change it with Color and tire not to notice ... then his friend YahWeh asks me to auction him the car that is actually mine .. and I did not notice .. and auction my car which was digitized .. and bought it I have pictures in the site that is mine. .. I can prove it is mine as you ask most players .. the number is mercedes .. Anish bought it from me and then she sold it to kush .. now these two tell me azhets .. but they deceived me .. please return my car or money ..
IGN TWO SCAMMERS ; Taaraz(im not sure for this nick , YahWeh(sure)
Hello Im HemPVoDKa I fix my problem with emails in forum with link acc this account aDoblex is my first registered account of this server and him linked ValentineH4k/HempVoDKa
12/05/2017Registered: 13/09/2016
Logged in: 13/01/2025