San Fierro remains as a unique place for me because the damn train will occasionally spawn on the tram track which I find it interesting, it's also the city where I mainly do jobs and other stuff.
28/01/2022Not a bug. You'll have to leap over two tiles as you swerve from left to right and vice versa in order to nail it successfully. In this particular case, I was lucky enough to succeed in making it until the end without being eliminated from the event, so with that said this trick won't always guarantee you a 100% win sometimes. To sum it up, the purpose of this video is to showcase the trick if anyone is curious about it.
26/01/2022Even without the double sawn-off, you are still as exceptional as ever >:D
23/01/2022Try to spend some more money to make your collection even more special >:D
21/01/2022Playing on these zombie events reminds me of the days when I played a zombie server that introduced many overpowered classes and creative maps and stuff, it was glorious.
20/01/2022that house yard doesn't have enough space for another firetruck to fit in :-(
14/01/2022First female admin to be interviewed has finally become true, well done. Olala (Anica) should be the next I guess :D
14/01/2022I thought you were a female player due to your name sounds like, anyway nice interview >:D
12/01/2022All the efforts you've put to make this community worth staying in, I sincerely thank you for your dedication to that.
Happy birthday, niCe!
S2 isn't bad for a killing montage video at all, but S3 always stand out as exceptional for these :P
11/01/2022That's a SAMP bug that might happen between each client meaning you can see it while others don't. And unfortunately, there is no possible fix for that.
09/01/2022I hope you'll interview Lottie or SanJiD next time. ;)
09/01/2022[TtS] clan seems to make the most prominent appearance for your first killing montage video of 2022 >:D
02/01/2022I really like your name, and so is your story. //Tarzan27: Thank you
02/01/2022Registered: 24/06/2018
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