



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
p1ti Voter

Gaming stats

Gaming time 1081 hours and 25 minutes
Longest non-stop game 14 hours and 51 minutes
Money $11,020,495
Level Level 96
Achievements completed 383
Daily objectives completed 93
Number of consecutive daily objectives completed 25
RP 15,643
Players killed 333
Times died 621
Kills / deaths ratio 0.53
Highest kill streak 9
Melee kills 68
NPC killed 3,346
Gang members killed 85
Psychopaths and maniacs killed 35
Highest survive time 52 hours and 13 minutes
Times busted 646
Time spent in prison 17 hours and 6 minutes
Wanted stars attained 3,241
Wanted stars evaded 1,777
Highest wanted time 8 hours and 37 minutes
Heists completed 38
Cash made on heists $8,552,298
Players mugged 19
Assassination contracts completed 97
Survived with bounty 8
Players with bounty killed 13
Cash made on bounties $152,811
Pickpocketing skills 545
Shops robbed 214
Safes cracked 149
Best time for cracking safe 5.5 seconds
Containers robbed 3
Goods from train stolen 16
Goods from cargo ships stolen 0
Electronic goods stolen 33
Luggage stolen 104
ATMs robbed 157
Money from credit cards stolen $369,907
Parking meters destroyed 197
Cash collected from parking meters $21,109
Armoured trucks robbed 16
Exported cars 21
Cars delivered for Dwaine 0
Police database hacked 4
Best drift 534
Vehicles resprayed 404
Cars washed 50
Car bombs detonated 0
Stingers thrown 342
Train stations passed 153
Bus stops passed as passenger 101
Epsilon missions completed 40
Alien artifacts collected 41
Time spent exercising in gym 1 hour and 11 minutes
Bench reps 465
Dumpbells reps 858
Distance on gym bike 7.66 km
Distance on treadmill 32.55 km
Time spent playing arcade games 1 hour and 50 minutes
Highest score in QUB3D 43,650
Highest score in Mine Stalker 1,830
Highest score in Snake 3,050
Kitty Claw wins 22
Shell games wins 100
Wagers with bookmaker won 0
Bleets written 183
Likes on bleets received 768
Money bags collected 1
Money couriers killed 0
Money zones held 0
Wallets found 3
Hidden packages found 52
Oysters found 8
Snapshots taken 14
Horseshoes found 16
Tags sprayed 46
Dumpsters searched 448
Unique stunts completed 17
Congress election wins 1
Highest amount of votes in congress election 266
Cocaine packages purchased from ice cream vendors 120
Hotdogs from hotdog vendor purchased 607
Guns purchased from arms dealer 138
Money spent on food $92,205
Money spent on clothes $3,455,300
Money spent on weapons $3,449,374
Money spent on furnishing $100,000
Money spent on vehicles $9,469,882
Most money spent on taxi $15,069
Money spent in mod shops $2,333,000
Money spent in strip clubs $2,300
Money thrown to strippers $24,480
Hookers visited 248
Flight tickets purchased 98
Money given to tramps $27,840
Billboards purchased 50
Houses purchased 0
Balloons purchased 1
Drug war wins 27
Cash made from drug hoods $12,135,750
Drug missions completed 111
Weed 5,275
Hemp collecting skills 98
Weed farms purchased 0
Weed produced 100
Weed used 932
Cash made on selling weed $0
Hemps planted 22
Weed from hemps grown 174
Cocaine 3,438
Cocaine lockups purchased 0
Grams of cocaine produced 77
Grams of cocaine purchased from dealers 1,550
Cocaine used 1,504
Cash made on selling cocaine $0
Meth 1,960
Meth cooking skills 54
Grams of meth cooked 4,020
Batches of meth cooked 54
Average meth purity 91.6%
Meth used 759
Cash made on selling meth $2,142,000
Ammo boxes 0
Ammo manufactories purchase 0
Ammo boxes produced 0
Ammo boxes used 110
Cash made on selling ammo boxes $0
Counterfeit chips 100,000
Counterfeit chips machines purchased 0
Counterfeit chips produced 0
Counterfeit chips exchanged 10,000
Cash made on selling counterfeit chips $0
bitGold 0.4659
Equilibrium 0.083
DigiCash 0
OneCoin 0
bitGold mined 7.326
Equilibrium mined 7.717
DigiCash mined 0
OneCoin mined 0
Cash made on selling bitGold $6,782,653
Cash made on selling Equilibrium $867,841
Cash made on selling DigiCash $777,029
Cash made on selling OneCoin $613,715
Properties purchased 19
Total property revenue $5,303,381
Cash made on stock market -$10,481,853
Stalls purchased 16
Stall sales 243
Aircraft drops collected 4
Storage wars participated 1
Cash made in storage wars -$189,250
Storage lockers purchased 2
Highest profit from storage locker $0
Goods sold in pawn shop 313
Cash made in pawn shop $3,440,800
Cars crushed 12
Most cars crushed in row 5
Newspaper events completed 0
Fish caught 13
Cash made on selling fish $130,827
Largest caught fish 51.31 kg
Cash made on organization income $6,064,243
CEO jobs completed 285
CEO challenges completed 5
Sales made in warehouse 61
Cash made in warehouse $6,470,485
Sales made in car workshop 214
Car workshop earnings $36,352,121
Missions completed 164
Missions from Big Smoke completed 26
Missions from Ryder completed 10
Missions from Sweet completed 57
Missions from Cesar completed 10
Missions from Tenpenny completed 14
Missions from Madd Dogg completed 0
Missions from Catalina completed 10
Missions from Truth completed 10
Missions from Zero completed 10
Missions from Toreno completed 1
Missions from Woozie completed 16
Gambling skills 390
Cars won in casino 0
Wins in scratch cards 125
Lottery wins 1
Wins in horse betting 0
Wins on slot machines 1
Wins on roulette 3
Wins on wheel of fortune 10
Wins in blackjack 123
Wins in video poker 12
Police skills 1,030
Criminals arrested undercover 4
Police investigations completed 7
Police reports written 6
Donuts as police officer eaten 0
Hemps seized 0
Paramedic skills 67
Firefighter skills 66
Border patrol skills 13
Taxi driver skills 35
Pizza boy skills 39
Courier skills 54
Trucker skills 17
Bus driver skills 49
Valet skills 4
Pimp skills 111
Dumper driver skills 1
Car salesman skills 105
Pilot skills 10
Firecopter skills 20
Beach patrol skills 30
Trashman skills 84
Sweeper skills 50
Mailman skills 6
Crane operator skills 25
Ice cream vendor skills 241
Hotdog vendor skills 100
Arms dealer skills 16
Lawyer skills 31
Tow truck driver skills 22
Loanshark skills 20
Undertaker skills 18
Cargo pilot skills 5
Military pilot skills 0
Security guard skills 44
Most cash delivered without being robbed 30
Pyrotechnist skills 27
Gardener skills 10
Baggage handler skills 10
Reporter skills 24
Trafficker skills 5
Air trafficker skills 35
Fisherman skills 0
Drug courier skills 24
Burglar skills 22
Farmer skills 50
Mower skills 25
Forklift driver skills 26
Brewery worker skills 4
Gang hoods captured 259
Gang hoods defended 9
Cash made on gang hoods $998,690
Gang vans delivered 0
Gang races won 0
Skills in Grove Street Families 60
Skills in Ballas 0
Skills in Los Santos Vagos 22
Skills in Varrios Los Aztecas 43
Skills in Triads 0
Skills in Da Nang Boys 21
Skills in San Fierro Rifa 8
Skills in Italian Mafia 5
Skills in Bikers 109
Skills in Russian Mafia 0
Race wins 42
Drift races won 1
Air race wins 1
Impromptu race wins 15
Triathlon wins 2
Deathmatch wins 22
Team deathmatch wins 33
Duel wins 0
Survival wins 8
Shooting challenge wins 26
Basejump wins 4
Stunt challenge wins 18
Destruction derby wins 183
Lowrider challenge wins 4
Highest score in lowrider challenge 13,250
Dance challenge wins 10
Highest score in dance challenge 14,800
Pool game wins 43
Basketball game wins 20
Furthest hoop in basketball 9 m
Golf game wins 4
Highest score in golf 13
Furthest stroke in golf 75 m
Poker game wins 78
Event wins 73
Main prizes in car meets won 0
Prizes in car meets won 1
Cash in car meets won $250,000
Highest score on car meet 10
Car meets participated 4
Distance travelled on foot 1,685.40 km
Distance travelled by swimming 6.24 km
Distance travelled in car 11,036.27 km
Distance travelled on bicycle 167.18 km
Distance travelled on bike 2,009.60 km
Distance travelled in boat 79.35 km
Distance travelled by Vortex 9.69 km
Distance travelled in helicopter 103.02 km
Distance travelled in plane 391.34 km
Distance travelled by jet pack 1.34 km
Distance travelled by balloon 0.09 km
Furthest car driven without crash 36.28 km
Drinks at bar 104
House visitors 134
Pistol kills 11
Silenced pistol kills 0
Desert Eagle kills 18
Shotgun kills 12
Sawn-off shotgun kills 4
Combat shotgun kills 18
Micro SMG kills 45
SMG kills 4
AK47 kills 19
M4 kills 36
Tec9 kills 17
Rifle kills 0
Sniper rifle kills 6
Minigun kills 19
RC vehicle kills 5
Targets in shooting range hit 6,548

About p1ti:

Plavci (Rangers) - Inženýrská

Registered: 13/11/2016

Logged in: 13/10/2024

Recently played

1 month ago - Played 45 minutes
3 years ago - Played 10 hours and 5 minutes

Most gaming time

2551 hours and 45 minutes
14 hours and 10 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 10 friends Completed 26/10/2023
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 02/11/2022
Leave 1000 comments Completed 26/04/2022