My brother and far uncle from Wadiya SmallStare and LargeStare
19/04/2023Im not part of Wrzosek... I operate alone. They admire my work But most of all
18/04/2023When u lack of skill u can always use rpg ~Someguy
18/04/2023Hello. I know i know you have nice cheats but dont use em ay? causeu know... trouble will come.
13/04/2023But dawm i didnt know i could go that quick ill make sure next time i record most my game play with key input overlay
07/04/2023No just no. I reload very quickly... Do /fpslimit 90. and try. its how the game works on backend. sadly u cant go past 90 fps or the game breaks in diffrent ways Proof of my reload:
29/03/2023Registered: 30/04/2018
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