There should be shop item for this... ''Hide previous name= 10 USD''
03/01/2018Or just create online support chatbox where you can ask questions and online Helper(s) will respond to you within a few minutes
31/12/2017Hey, i'm just continuing my thread from here. Why the hell did i get banned on all 3 SA-MP servers? But then again ONLY STAFF MEMEBERS RESPOND TO THE THREAD !
18/12/2017I wasn't making a new account. So it definately isn't worth a 30 day ban. Sir's you gave alot of players so many chances even, you unbanned them even thought they didn't deserve it... I'm extremely sorry for the shit i did, i totally take full responsibilities.
17/12/2017It's not okay but it's not worth a 30 day ban ! ! Also please, everyone who isn't staff member keep the fuckery for yourself
17/12/2017Hello, Aloha! So i was banned today at about 4am (UTC+01:00) for the following reason: I was muted 5 minutes for swearing, i've started spamming as a joke via web chat and i got muted there too. Therefore i changed my name in SA-MP.exe from kisssmyazz to kissmyazzz and joined the server. I've pressed ''X'' on the register button and spammed in chat, again i was joking around. I did so for a few times but i've never broken any rules, i wasn't even flaming the admins or anyone in any way. Then i got banned for the following reason: I've got kicked for 20 hours for c-bugging back in the days and thats an example of breaking rules, what i did bellow this is chatbot's job to mute me for spamming. So please consider this again kissmyazz
17/12/2017Cannot be done bruh the title of the server is clearly ''Singleplayer Features''
16/12/2017Change into song when you join the server to this one:
16/12/2017Add a feature to premium chat: If you click on a player in the chat list would give you two options 1) Visit profile 2)send message
14/12/2017Please change gang commands like /gangkick to be displayed in chat with a reason and who kicked the person
14/12/2017I suggest everything the way it was back in 2012-2016 - Special weapons can be purchased only via /shop and web shop or in-game from other players.. if you wanna win aka. be the best then go ahead and pay to win or stick with the in-game usable weapons. Same goes for special vehicles
05/12/2017Clan system, clan bank, clan events, clan chat. Example: • /ccreate ~> /ccreate [Name] • /Caccept • /Cinvite ~> /Cinvite [Player ID] • /Lclan ~> leave clan • /Claninfo [Clan ID] • /c [Text] ~> Clan Chat • /cxp • /clanhelp • /cmembers • /cbank • /cdonate • /cevent • /leaderpannel • /destroyclan - If you're allready in a clan, you can't join another one if you don't leave the first one - Welcome message(when you join a clan (leader modifies the welcome message)) - Invitation Client Message - Members Count System (Online+Offline) - ClanCount System - Auto - Destroy if the clan got 0 members Alot of players have been suggesting this since the suggestion post was created i think it's time we get our thing :)
03/12/2017just take a picture of everything you see after you press pay then go to the bank and show them the picture, they'll know what to do :)
08/05/2017Add a expired property/house and some other notifications to RECENT NOTIFICATIONS on website
07/05/2017I don't need an advice from a normal player cause clearly you can't fix shit so fuck off my post get a life and let manager+ handle this. Beside james, he can comment anything :*
27/04/2017Registered: 22/07/2014
Logged in: 28/07/2023
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