



HuzaiFa21 Headhunter

Forum posts (54)

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

Ok i will Share after few minutes

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

I only have Huntley Just

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

No it was saved in Market Garage not in any house

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

Yes it disappeared same like my recent 3 cars , i think only i am one who is facing this problem

Lost My NRG-500 (Vehicle) in Server 3

S3 Name: _HUZAIFA_. Yesterday when i login to WTLS 3 . Then i try to call My Vehicle NRG-500 but it was not there , Then i check my garage it was not expire but vehicle was not there , Then i check /savedvehicles but it was also not there . IDK about this issuse . I Faced this Problem Many times but no Response from Here . My last thread was same like this thread ,when i lost my FT-Bullet . Please help me and solve this issuse. TY

I can't join the server

Oh dam

I lost my Ft-Bullet in S3

i lost it tomarrow at 28/3/2023 idk time

I lost my Ft-Bullet in S3

I Tried /savedvehicles its show rest on the cars but not that bullet , that Bullet was ft with Black & White colour

I lost my Ft-Bullet in S3

Before 3 or 4 months i lost my 2 ft-cars Infernus and Bullet and i reported that issuse with xSlitt now but no action on that i also ignore it i think its bcz if bug or any other thing but , now after it yesterday when i open samp when i open my Phone Bullet was not available there when i checked garage it was not expired but car was not there i request admins to solve this because its to expensive to buy it again

Bug reports on SA-MP

It is Same issuse to me `when i try to join gang it says its outnumbering gang

back my money

You were also asking me to Join lotto but you not do any talk like i`ll pay or something else, idk what is btw you and him

Boosting for a contest

This Guy was messaging me in /f to fight for Contest Win . As Admins can see Night Chat .

Boosting for a contest

This was not a Boosting he was afk outside Hospital and i was killing him then he became online and we fight and i win

1 2 3

About HuzaiFa21:

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Registered: 09/08/2022

Logged in: 12/07/2024

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Create a video with 5000 views Completed 22/08/2024
Create a screenshot with 5000 views Completed 28/07/2024
Create a screenshot with 1000 views Completed 15/07/2024