bad player,but most of all pathetic human . you re only 33 years old,maybe in the next 30 you ll grow up I am rooting for you. you can see him in /top : most moneyzones where he 4v1 ed and paid people 500k for help. 3300 hours and lvl 82, 0.60 kda xD good luck getting /top bro that s the most meaniningfull thing you will achive in life
“Dobrý den chtěl bych si opet stežovat na kyberšikanu admina nxs dal mi mute zato že jsem napsal do veřejného četu ´´bacha čaj´´...pokut je slovo čaj zakázané dejte si ho do cenzury...žádám o odškodné za minule mute 10h- 1 000 000 + dnešni mute 3 h =300 000 suma sumarum 1.3m s pozdravem mbs...Kikush psala v minule diskuzi ze 10h mute mi bylo zrušeno což není pravda a mute sem mel 10h”
you can see him in /top : most moneyzones where he 4v1 ed and paid people 500k for help.
3300 hours and lvl 82, 0.60 kda xD
good luck getting /top bro that s the most meaniningfull thing you will achive in life
nejsem žádnej gril ty moucho :D
mbs...Kikush psala v minule diskuzi ze 10h mute mi bylo zrušeno což není pravda a mute sem mel 10h”
pekne, pekne