Add killcam in game,in this way players will exactly know what/who killed them.
05/07/2017That might've happened due to lag.
Was your internet connection stabled when you were playing that time ?
Also there is no way that a player can control another player by moving,flying him etc.
You could've quit the game before falling to the ground and joined back,in that way you can't die unless somebody was shooting you first.
For vehicles that are bought from auction,if they are not saved for the next 10 minutes they despawn.
This problem has nothing to do with our server however i'll refund for what happened,could you please tell me your name in game and on which server do you play?
P.S Next time try being a bit more careful when you spend your money.
Make it possible to buy minigun and rocket launcher from Merryweather but the prices should be very high.
04/07/2017Alright so first of fall the one who caused all of this was you.
You see, Lubus or whatever his name is was doing nothing until you came and started assaulting him.
He was he supposed to know when were you gonna throw a molotov at him.
Next time think twice when you start attacking someone.
However i don't think that you'll get a refund from all of this since its not the server's fault.
Apparently in indonesian means father of niCe, check it here I suggest banning this player since this insult is not tolerable.
03/07/2017Well the ban that you face depends on how many rules you've broken while you were playing.
The ban might be 5 days,10,a month or even forever.
I'll try to contact an admin about this,please be patient until we find a solution.
Make it possible to see if there are any firefighters available in game by typing /firefighters.
02/07/2017These kinds of questions do not coincide with our servers therefore this kind of question won't get an answer around here.
Try looking up somewhere else except here for the solution of all of this.
- Fixed bug, when after the vehicle was destroyed, the valet or car salesman job ended
Finally,now i'll try to get back to car salesman or valet.
Gang boss should be able to chose whether he loses 5 skills or 50k
Gangkick should last 10-15 minutes
Make it possible for people to edit vehicle customizations such as:
remove front/rear bumper from /shop
remove paintjob on /shop
This was the main reason why i don't like missions that much but since this new update came i'll try to earn all of the achievements of them.
18/06/2017I will inform an admin or moderator about this
Please keep in touch and be patient.
- Bring back grey color for /color
- Create a DM/TDM at the Zombotech Building in San Fierro
- A congressman shouldn't be able to start more than 3 proposals.
Awesome updates especially this one,the object looks way cooler.
22/04/2017Registered: 29/04/2014
Logged in: 16/01/2025
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