



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (70)

Lost account

Hello, i want to tell you how to reset your password because maybe you did something wrong. 1- At the bottom in the corner on the right you will find your name click on it 2- select linked accounts 3- under each server you will find reset password click on it. (make sure that the same server which you are tring to join) 4- new password will send to your email. Copy then paste it when you try login to the game. Don't forget to type your username in SA-MP the same name which you will find it as well in linked accounts (capital and small letters).


xsilent explained everything but i want to add something maybe you don't know it.
inside ammu-nation you will find room where you can start shooting challange or enter shooting range. stand on the icon > press Enter to start shooting challange (another player have to join it with you to count as a win in your /stats. if you complete it alone it will not count).
if you press Alt on the icon you will enter shooting range. you can increase your weapon skills by shooting the targets. you can check your weapon skills by typing /s > weapons > you will find each weapon skill there. weapon skills help you to use the weapon better.

One question

I think you got it wrong, you can earn tokens when you complete 4 hours of non-stop playing time. Not 4 hours total for the whole day.


Hello, Do not create a thread on behalf of someone else as this is not allowed. Tell your brother to create thread with his web account. Don't forget to tell him to write it like this:

"your saved boat is not in marina"

Are you sure that you saved your boat in your marina after buying it? if you saved it in your marina then you will be able to see it in your list when you type /savedvehiceles.
if you didn't save it, type /phone or press Y to open your phone > phone book > call mors. you will find your boat there if you lost it within 24h only.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Each job has a specific place where you can rent a car to work, and there is also a HQ where you can wear clothes, and of course you cannot get clothes without the required skills. This idea is from wtls 2008, but the difference is that you can start the job from the car and not through HQ as it currently exists.
A new job: There will be some points on the map, you can collect rocks, wood, coal or minerals. The player will go to these points and start working. Some red points will appear on the map. These points will be in front of a tree or a rock or whatever the resources will be extracted from. All the player has to stand In the required place for some seconds until the character finishes the collection animation, then the player will get a skill point and a small reward. In addition, the player will get the resources that he collected in the inventory, and there will be some places designated for selling them and making money from them as well.

Enable players to gain skill points in ways other than turfs.
For example, if the player stays in the gang for an hour, he will get skill points, not a lot of skill points, so we don't make it that easy.
Gang missions such as sending drugs from the gang center to specific places on the map, killing a member of another gang, stealing another gang headquarters, or stealing cars and sending them to the gang headquarters. All these missions, when done, will give the player a skill point for each mission he performs without areward, or perhaps a very small reward.


Hello PronTo, Read this thread before applying for helper position (Apply for helper). To apply for helper you must have not been banned in the last year and If your application has been rejected you can try again after 90Days.

Bug reports on web 14/04/2023
Internet issues

Hello, a player created a thread on the forum regarding this problem as well, and in the end he discovered that it is a local problem. Please check if it is a local problem or not Because I think it is a local problem, since TheMarshallMathers is from the same country as you and he is facing this problem as well.

SAMP not working

hello Kelany,
sometimes when i open samp to play on wtls i can't find the server name, number of players or ping. When I try to join the server it does not respond. Just restart my router or reinstall samp. If this is your problem as well, I suggest you try this solutions especially restarting your router. I hope that is helpful.

IMPORTANT! Nostalgia server

very much enjoyed playing on the server. I encountered some problems in translating the language, but I had a good time and learned how the server was in the past and how it has become now, and the great effort that you made until the server reached what it is today.
I could not try everything, but one of the things that I liked and that I really hope to see in our current server is the jobs system. It is very cool, and if it is added to our server with a little development, the server will become even more amazing. Despite the problems I faced in understanding it at first,but I really enjoyed working.

cant connect

Hello darkwarrior905, - The login box is not showing up right? If yes that's mean your packetloss high. You said that you tried reconnect many time but did you try restart your router? -Using vpn is not allowed. Don't try use it as you will receive ban automatically.

Need Small Help

I know that you know this solution, but you want to solve the problem without reinstalling the game, but if you have not tried this solution, I advise you to try to reinstall the game, that may help you solve the problem quickly.

issue with sa:mp

Hello, did you try to restart your router many time and check the result? also try to use cable, and can you try connect with another WiFi? try this solutions maybe it helps.

Audio problem

Hello, look like no one faced this problem before so i will suggest you some solutions maybe it helps.
if you reinstall the game that's mean maybe the problem from settings so try that
1- Press ESC > option > audio > restore to default and try Lower the volume and raise it again.
2- Type /set or /settings > sounds > turn the music in heist and events off then back it on again.
I hope that helps you!
when you turn on /radio in vehicle do you hear it?

Small Help

Hello, you need 1000 skills in police job to unlock police cheetah. You can find police cheetah in police station's garage.


Hello, you can report players here --players reports on SA-MP-- and please add it for admins only [*admin][*/admin].

cant access my account

Did you click on reset password several times? i think you may have click on reset password several times and did not copy the last password sent to your email.

How to see player last online time ?

Also if you don't know you can type /id <name> in the game to check if the player online or no and his id. and if both of you in the same organization you can check his last active from documents inside the office too.

Account got hacker

Did you link your game account with web? If yes then go to linked account, you will find reset password click on it. then check your email you will find the new password. copy it then paste it when you try login the game.

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About EaGLee:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 16/04/2021

Logged in: 07/01/2025

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2 months ago - Played 30 minutes

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1581 hours and 20 minutes

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Receive 10 likes Completed 06/09/2023
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 06/09/2023
Leave 500 comments Completed 22/07/2023