Text in czech when you come close to rival gang member in gang van. https://i.ibb.co/s6tz1fg/image.png
05/08/2024This might actually be true, i experienced freezing every couple of seconds with my instant replay program aswell.
05/07/2024SELLING S2 Pm me ingame or on web, prices are not negotiable. -FT Infernus https://i.ibb.co/cFyDVB5/infernus.png -Nrg 500 (10m $) https://i.ibb.co/bBrZvmS/nrg.png Methlab 1419 https://i.ibb.co/k8m9Xnw/methlab1419.png
05/07/2024I agree, if not remove/reduce then atleast make us who have alot of skills in the job we are trying to do to bypass that obstacle. (i have 2.4k skills in police , and i cannot work as police anymore unless i get those 50security guard skills first)
28/06/2024Bug/typo when you are trying to buy the office https://i.ibb.co/XSjp1x4/nil-bug.png
23/06/2024Ability to see your tokens in the webshop, so it is easier to make purchases with Tokens in it.
Otherwise you have to go to your profile everytime to check your balance.
Drift races in /gps are in czech (s2) https://i.ibb.co/0MQFJ58/image.png
13/06/2024If you have amd graphics card, and you are using amd hardware program try disabling radeon super resolution setting and similar stuff, it helped me.
26/03/2024There is a ˝confession booth˝ in palomino creek where you can decrease your mental state, it reduces your mental state for 20points if im not wrong. (Half of what mental clinic decreases)
26/03/2024There is a ˝confession booth˝ in palomino creek where you can decrease your mental state, it reduces your mental state for 20points if im not wrong. (Half of what mental clinic decreases)
26/03/2024Are you really that blind? The 3rd person won the pot, not the one with 60chips
15/03/2024You were replied in the last thread already. You had no evidence to prove your innocence, therefore the thread was locked.
27/02/2024If i remember right is when i used the one mano provided, you could change the sens by arrow keys right? so when you are either driving nrg500 or heli when you spam up arrow it automatically increases your sens. Happened to me alot.
Hope this helps.
You were answered/given instructions on where to post the report on your first thread. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/96365/
04/01/2024Valverde that is because they were recently open by another player and they did not despawn yet.
24/12/2023Registered: 12/12/2014
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