



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (304)

did someone login into my account?

Unless if you share your account details with anyone, there is nothing to worry about, if you have any query you can contact me in the web or in-game.

A good recording software

Try to use bandicam, but use screen recorder instead of D3D mode, this can record your game play and reduce fps drop, and the quality is not far away from using d3d, I use bandicam in screen mode and I have to admit, the quality is kinda good compared to my CPU which is core i5 2nd generation. /Boost +1 for Bandicam, best for low end PCs

Didn't take my money back in poker

Unfortunately, we cannot proceed with a refund, because your loss was not due to a server fault, therefore you are not eligible for a refund, sorry for your loss.

Didn't take my money back in poker


Can you tell me what happened during the poker minigame you have joined?

my friend cant log in after his game corrupted

Creating threads on behalf of other players is forbidden, your friend can create a thread on his own so we can resolve his issue.

If you have any query regarding this matter, you can contact me.

Suggestions on FiveM

Currently, there is a bonus on both fishing and hunting, however, you may enjoy the bonus until weekly challenges implemented.

(Refund post) Game scammed me.

This is not server fault, when it comes to how minigames work, furthermore I see nothing here eligible for refund since your cards in the minigame had lower values, therefore you lost in the poker mingame, sorry for your loss.

If you have more questions you can contact me.


Hello, Sorry for the late reply, however, you had packetloss before you lost the weapons, therefore you are not eligible for a refund as it is not server fault, sorry for your loss.

This player should be muted bcs he insulted me

Hello, Report players regarding Fivem in this thread --- Player reports on FiveM ---

organisation office bug fiveM 2

Hello, please report any bug related to Fivem 2 here --- Bug reports on FiveM ---

I can't see criminals in my minimap


Do you have any modifications installed in your game related to the maps? If so it could be the main reaons, also sometimes icons do not show up due to any delay or lag occurring...


Gang skills transfer means you can transfer skills of gang to another gang, it is clear, you could ask before performing any action.

Sorry, but you are not eligible for a refund because it was not server fault.

Micro smg

If I understood your problem well here, you keep shooting but for some reasons and during some second, only one hand release bullets but the other one doesn't, is it your problem?

I forgot my password

If you have any more question you can contact me, I will lock thread as the player was able to join the game successfully.

Lost Auction Item

Hello, you have bought the 225 sniper ammo for 80,000$ which is below the amount of refund according to refund policies: You are not eligible for a refund, sorry for your loss. Informations for administrators:


Hi, You have been already given the verdict in your previous thread regarding your ban, please do not create more threads about the same topic.

how to play on a phone?

Hi, we do not provide support nor discuss android version, I advise you to not play from Android as it is unstable and there are many issues with it. Lead Manager Quote: If you have more questions regarding this topic feel free to contact me. Locked.


Since you and your friend sharing the same computer, it means you have a common IP, and that IP is banned which means we cannot risk letting the other player to join even he's not banned, it goes against our rules.

If you have anymore question about this matter you can contact me.


How to found my password samp

If you lost your password or you do not remember it, you can request a password reset from your "Linked accounts", you will see there all the accounts you are linking with the web, click on the reset password on the server you do not remember the password (BaDji in your case), a temporary password will be sent to your e-mail address, you can use it to login and change it to a new password.

Lspd bug/crash

Hi, I advise you to start recording your game in case if something unusual happened, also make sure to remove any kind of mods that can make your game lagging or might be the principal reason of this issue, furthermore getting a clean version of the game might help too. Last but not least, you can check this thread as it contains samp problems and its solutions, you might find the answer of your problem.

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About badr1stt:

قَدَّرَ اللهُ وَمَاشَاءَ فَعَلْ وَلاَ غَالِبَ إِلَّا الله

“لأنّ أوّل مطالب الإنسان الضّروريّ ولا ينتهي... (more)

Registered: 22/06/2018

Logged in: 6 hours ago

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Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 15/08/2023
Make 50 friends Completed 15/05/2023
Add 100 wall posts Completed 25/11/2020