We have prepared another major update, which you can expect to arrive on the server in February. This will be so far the most unique update, that has been added on our servers. The whole idea is to implement a brand new strategic game into GTA, which will enable plenty of opportunities, fun and income.
The first thing, you will need to purchase, will be a drug headquarters. It is a new type of asset you can purchase, there will be several drug headquarters around map and each of them can be purchased by any player. In your headquarters, you will be then able to plan your strategy - move your dealers from one turf to another, send them to drug war for a drug turf or build improvements on your turfs, such as drug warehouse or drug den.
Each turf will generate income for you, as well as drug points (DP), which you will be able to use for purchasing new dealers and improvements for your turfs. When you will feel, drug wars are not for you anymore or that your empire is already too big to maintain, you will be able to sell any of the turfs to other players.
The drug wars update will bring definitely a new feature, that is going to grant hundreds of hours of fun, as stretagic games never get old. It is also going to be a new way how to pasively earn money, along with the properties and organizations.
We would like to ask all players to be patient, this will be so far one of the largest updates our servers received and it will of course take a lot of time and efforts to create this update. Please make sure to check our web regularly for further informations and screenshots from the upcoming update.