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GTA: San Andreas

stop with cheats, dont use no reload and seriously aimbotting? buy a damn cheap gaming mouse.

GTA: San Andreas
lesslife lesslife 30.4.2021

if u cant afford razer get a cheap like mine lmao, MXB Buttons are divine if well used.

Komentáře (46)

lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 21:18
What part u didnt understood to get the **** out of my comments section thats what Im asking to him to do, kill me a thousand of times IDC, stop bothering me trought text, I blocked him everywhere and he uses ways to contact me wich is /web or web chat or my web posts.
Tzurez4k n00b Level 106 3.5.2021 21:03
When are you going to learn this is shooting game, killing is allowed, it's not against the rules, if you're soft, go and play on s2, you were informed of differences between servers when you started playing on one and registered account on website
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:44
Dude I will repeat enjoy your game without ruining other gameplay, at the point you have to come and comment with a video when I didnt asked you nothing, congrats for demoting me and then after ban getting promoted, yes good for you now, do you job and tasks ingame instead of being a scum and toxic helper, gain a good image, improve this game to a better community and leave us alone. I f you wont okay! But goddayum leave my ***** screenshots or videos comment section.
xUnClyde Level 88 3.5.2021 20:41
I don't care if its your wife or whatever you call this cringe. I was doing assasins therefore i kill him/her
I won't explain nor tell you why i did this because its up to me and not to you.
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:39
Dude you can kill me without being a scum of person hunting me 24/7 and hunting a new player just bcz shes married with me, you can kill me without having to chase me even in /web on screenshots, videos etc, I blocked u in web I shouldnt even be having to deal with you, I simply dont care Ill never have respect for you and honestly burn in hell. Cuz I had enough.
xUnClyde Level 88 3.5.2021 20:36
harass you?? are you okay? do you know what does all this means. toxic trash talker, harassing or just talking?
Killing is a part of this god damn game, if you can't handle it. Simply quit
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:34
I simply dont give a **** this dude demotes me ok its ok I was wrong but now seek me and harass me for almost a YEAR? get a BRAIN fr he needs new braincells. KILL ME ingame okay! now chasing me on forums, screenshots, videos, sending me constantly /money ID 69 dollars, etc etc oh sheesh seek HELP cuz he aint normal.
Eno5356 n00b Level 66 3.5.2021 20:32
Kuroiatsu your comments are getting cringe... honestly+1
Tzurez4k n00b Level 106 3.5.2021 20:31
Toxicity is a part of the shooting games, if you cant deal with it, quit.
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:29
I will shut my damn mouth when this dude stops being annoying as hell not even children are this annoying, and IM FR this server getting even more toxic day by day and the staff team (helpers part) are toxic as HELL as well, yall help in the chat but in the reality yall are hunting them, increasing K/D, harassing, provoking, hunting, etc making this game become less enjoyable DAY by DAY, I start to regret ever started playing this in 2014, omg, this dude needs to seek help. Dude comes to my videos/screenshots commenting when I have him blocked everywhere and DOESNT stop talking about me or telling his friends to come after me and my wife ingame, he simply doesnt stop and its getting cringey as well, idc about 1v1, rekt, sawns all of that crap talk, I play for fun, not for clout or clownery.
Tzurez4k n00b Level 106 3.5.2021 20:26
Kuroiatsu your comments are getting cringe... honestly
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:12
you are worse than a curse, I'm thinking about quitting this game and start playing GTA V again, or any other online game and stop donating because of YOU, I was thinking about making a ORG donate 100 EUR and invite irl friends and make this community more funier and interesting to my gameplay quality, but there is always people like you, this community and YOU are so toxic that I REGRET every single EURO I donated until now, playing samp doesnt even pays you irl decently to buy a meal and you still decide to be a lifeless dude ingame hunting 24/7 just because you're mad and also harass other dudes wifes, seek a psicologist or a therapist cuz you NEED it more than I do,
xUnClyde Level 88 3.5.2021 20:12
Actually i don't need a girl friend nor wife since i got a hand.
lesslife Editor Level 43 3.5.2021 20:07
Get a ****** life oh my god when will you stop, sheeeesh get a girlfriend and join the heaven cuz youre annoying and u bark too much omg, have a lifeeeeee, grow up and be a gentlemen instead of being an scum of player that harasses and ruining others peoples lives and gameplay quality and messing with their nerver, GET a LIFE, kid how old are u for god sake, oh my god I never seen a such annoying player online in 20 yrs of life, oh my god how did u managed to be a person like this, how many times I have to say I dont care at all about ur existence, you ust bother people, everyone will hate you. you aint even a good image and example to this community, youre so toxic that I could die poisoned if I ever saw you in real life, your presence must be so dark that I could go blind in real life, Im pitty for the players that cant mentally and emocionally handle you, because youre an horrible helper dude, get a LIFE for god sake.
Eno5356 n00b Level 66 3.5.2021 19:56
Kuroiatsu, how about you to grow up first, mr.trashtalker? keep breaking promises and saying "i wiLl gEt gOoD fRiEnDs aNd i wiLl sToP bEinG tOxiC"
xUnClyde Level 88 3.5.2021 19:55
lesslife Editor Level 43 2.5.2021 18:45
Unclyde I will be straight to the point, yes wife? do you want my socials? not "wife" but indeed wife im 20 with a house and a job nut suspended due corona, so I spend my time TRYING to have a decent gameplay, thanks to your demotion, I actually quittes SAMP and got a job and even married in a span of months because I dont have parents, so yes wife with no " ", second youre clearly ruining our gameplaym third I dont get "mad" like real MAD bcz ur sum brainless dude in another point of the earth sitted on his PC living in his parents house, so no Im not mad this is actually entertaining to see how you dudes behave ingame, collaboating with cheaters and ruin others gameplay, if I egt annoyed enough I just do another break again, make some money buy another car irl stuff ya feel me so Iiterally dont give a **** about 1v1, sawns, gangs, or "crying or calling me a cheater", I simply reported you and it was accepted and it was "Not taking damage corresponding to the hit counter" wich was indeed correct and facts. Grow Up a bit filthy dog.
xUnClyde Level 88 2.5.2021 16:54
actually, i'm not trashtalking you're showing your self that you're mad. I would keep wrecking you and your "wife" till i can no more.
Also keep on calling me a cheater :3
lesslife Editor Level 43 2.5.2021 16:47
LMAAAAAO, I aint crying im just trying to have a healthy game and u hunt me everytime I'm online or when I'm not online you hunt my wife when she's playing, you're the one who has to grow up here, filthy dog.
xUnClyde Level 88 2.5.2021 16:20
stop with the cries, dont run fight me like a man Seriously running? Grow up.
Ukázat komentáře 21-30 z 46