I'm not Pats friend and I'm always against him, but this time I must agree with him. Server is full of laggers and it's really hard to kill them. If you look at 1:05 you'll see big miss of Pat, which is probably happening due your lag Rio. You was probably teleporting around how usually laggers do.
Rio....i think that you only won beacuse you had lag shot with you. If you can kill OgPat without lag shot like today.. Then you will be the best...! Thank you
hahah kid ,you just reported ur self ogpat my friend this riom used "idiot weapons "hack it make by his side the bullets more damaged and slow and all ur bullet only low effect effected to him go search at youtube :idiot weapons for samp hack he did use the idiot weapons loool mate u reported ur self :/
it was 0.3x and lag shooting, plus i had a very bad pc on that time but that helped me a bit :p
anyway thx for ur support but i think i have left, and u can pwn me all now if i join :D
miss ya and the server
and he run Again bzzz.... What server Is this?
like today.. Then you will be the best...! Thank you
Its an old video and it was SA-MP 0.3x with lag shot. But since u are a Noob and don't know anything about this game u can go and screw yourself :*
Or maybe ask about me inside the game ;)