You can try out Rockstar user track files, where it is located in Documents>GTA files>user tracks. Here you can add your songs in MP3 form and use the Rockstar radio in the game, Press ESC>Options>audio setup>user track option>scan user track.
Also, check for the skip button from the options which can be used to skip the current music if you want to get the the other one.
Note: this radio is only for you, I mean other players sitting within you in a vehicle cannot listen to what you are listening.
However, you can simply copy and paste this radio link made by DavidPC10 and Hazard1
GTA-MP.CZ Radio - Introduction
If you don't wanna create one via Zeno.fm/ site
You can try out Rockstar user track files, where it is located in Documents>GTA files>user tracks. Here you can add your songs in MP3 form and use the Rockstar radio in the game, Press ESC>Options>audio setup>user track option>scan user track. Also, check for the skip button from the options which can be used to skip the current music if you want to get the the other one.
Note: this radio is only for you, I mean other players sitting within you in a vehicle cannot listen to what you are listening.
No, there is no possible way to that request, unless an administrator starts playing one over an area so all players can listen to the same audio in the selected area both on foot and in a vehicle
No, there is no possible way to that request, unless an administrator starts playing one over an area so all players can listen to the same audio in the selected area both on foot and in a vehicle
Hey Aimbrozzz,
As said, there is no way to play music(preloaded or audio streams) by your own while on foot in original GTA SA, unless an administrator sets up audio stream in a area. But, I think with the help of a mod called advanced track player could help you sort things out on this matter(won't post any links as modding isn't allowed here). However please note that using mods is your wish and by using mods you could have a higher risk of getting banned.
As said, there is no way to play music(preloaded or audio streams) by your own while on foot in original GTA SA, unless an administrator sets up audio stream in a area. But, I think with the help of a mod called advanced track player could help you sort things out on this matter(won't post any links as modding isn't allowed here). However please note that using mods is your wish and by using mods you could have a higher risk of getting banned.
Toto téma bylo zamknuto.
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