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StížnostAbuse of admin rights(?)

Archjun Level 97 14.2.2024 16:40
Hello, I would like to report a possible case of admin abuse. Yesterday I was near office 14 (Market) between 19:00 - 19:30 when I suddenly saw admin Floki appearing on the office icon mark and going inside. I suspect he may have teleported to it but I cannot verify that. I don't have proof but I am sure this can be checked through logs. I may be mistaken but I thought I would report it anyway since I never saw this occuring before and it looked quite suspicious.
Hello, I would like to report a possible case of admin abuse. Yesterday I was near office 14 (Market) between 19:00 - 19:30 when I suddenly saw admin Floki appearing on the office icon mark and going inside. I suspect he may have teleported to it but I cannot verify that. I don't have proof but I am sure this can be checked through logs. I may be mistaken but I thought I would report it anyway since I never saw this occuring before and it looked quite suspicious.
Sterr Sterr 14.2.2024 17:30
I don't understand what this has to do with "abuse of admin rights"
I don't understand what this has to do with "abuse of admin rights"
darkwarrior905 darkwarrior905 14.2.2024 17:56
he could've been checking for someone using aimbot or someone using tp , I don't see why a admin using tp would bother , they ain't killing or interferring with you and also the same admin could check this forum , so opening a forum here to say this isn't that logical :skull:
he could've been checking for someone using aimbot or someone using tp , I don't see why a admin using tp would bother , they ain't killing or interferring with you and also the same admin could check this forum , so opening a forum here to say this isn't that logical :skull:
Archjun Archjun 14.2.2024 18:03
@darkwarrior905 and @Sterr don't post useless stuff here if you have zero knowledge about this situation. This thread requires someone who can check the logs, not regular players.
@darkwarrior905 and @Sterr don't post useless stuff here if you have zero knowledge about this situation. This thread requires someone who can check the logs, not regular players.
Flokii n00b Level 83 14.2.2024 19:11
Hey there ! I appriciate you reporting this as anyone can have his doubts and surely can make an thread to check it out. We are admins, of course that the teleporting thing is normal for us, we have to deal with reports, help players, catch cheaters, remove vehicles etc so we have to teleport from time to time. But of course we shouldn't abuse it to teleport when we get attacked or to abuse in similar situations and stuff like that. At that time that you are talking about i was dealing with a report made by a player who got stuck inside a vehicle and wanted my help to get un-stuck and remove that vehicle so i had to go there remove it and come back to office where i was. I have left information for admins to see below Don't worry i don't take this as personal or anything like that, you had an doubt and i absolutely respect you for expressing that here. I hope you are clarified now
Hey there !

I appriciate you reporting this as anyone can have his doubts and surely can make an thread to check it out. We are admins, of course that the teleporting thing is normal for us, we have to deal with reports, help players, catch cheaters, remove vehicles etc so we have to teleport from time to time.

But of course we shouldn't abuse it to teleport when we get attacked or to abuse in similar situations and stuff like that. At that time that you are talking about i was dealing with a report made by a player who got stuck inside a vehicle and wanted my help to get un-stuck and remove that vehicle so i had to go there remove it and come back to office where i was. I have left information for admins to see below

Don't worry i don't take this as personal or anything like that, you had an doubt and i absolutely respect you for expressing that here. I hope you are clarified now

Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory
Archjun Level 97 14.2.2024 23:21
Thanks for the reply. I understand that admins have to teleport from time to time, I have been in staff too many years ago so I get your point. To me it was very strange how you suddenly appeared at the office because usually I never see an admin teleporting to an office. In that particular moment it looked quite suspicious without context, but I understand your point of view better now.
Thanks for the reply. I understand that admins have to teleport from time to time, I have been in staff too many years ago so I get your point. To me it was very strange how you suddenly appeared at the office because usually I never see an admin teleporting to an office. In that particular moment it looked quite suspicious without context, but I understand your point of view better now.
Vedran Epický hráč Level 205 14.2.2024 23:36
Hi, It looks like we cleared up this misunderstanding, therefore I am closing the complaint.

It looks like we cleared up this misunderstanding, therefore I am closing the complaint.

Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory
Toto téma bylo zamknuto.