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--- Apply for helper ---

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GoldenApple Pokročilý hráč Level 30 30.9.2012 20:20
“Age: 16 years Languages: Czech (1 year i speak very litle) Bulgarian ( native speaker) Macedonian (i now it because its same with bulgarian) Russian (i now very little because its too same with bulgarian) Serbian (same with bulgarian) English (8 years) Total gaming time on the server: little more than 700 hours Gaming time per day:2-4 when im not in school more Apply for: Helper”
“Age: 16 years
Languages: Czech (1 year i speak very litle) Bulgarian ( native speaker) Macedonian (i now it because its same with bulgarian) Russian (i now very little because its too same with bulgarian) Serbian (same with bulgarian) English (8 years)
Total gaming time on the server: little more than 700 hours
Gaming time per day:2-4 when im not in school more
Apply for: Helper”
Weedlover Level 17 1.10.2012 15:26
Hey guys, Apply: Helper/Admin Age: 18 Languages: English (prety good) Dutch (awesome) Gametime: 304 Hours Gaming time per day: 6-16 I wanna be more then normal player or premium. Ive worked on more games as an admind/GM/PM so i know what to do.
Hey guys,

Apply: Helper/Admin
Age: 18
Languages: English (prety good) Dutch (awesome)
Gametime: 304 Hours
Gaming time per day: 6-16

I wanna be more then normal player or premium.
Ive worked on more games as an admind/GM/PM so i know what to do.
KentaKofot Level 17 3.10.2012 19:56
Age: 17 years Languages: Swedish (native speaker), English (pretty much fluid) Total gaming time on the server: 341 hours Gaming time per day: 2-4 hours Applying for: Helper/admin I used to be a helper before I took a break from SAMP. I think I made a pretty good one. I think I'd make a good admin too.
Age: 17 years
Languages: Swedish (native speaker), English (pretty much fluid)
Total gaming time on the server: 341 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-4 hours
Applying for: Helper/admin

I used to be a helper before I took a break from SAMP. I think I made a pretty good one. I think I'd make a good admin too.
Soap Legendární hráč Level 35 4.10.2012 19:00
Age: 17 Years old Languages : English native speaker , Macedonian native speaker. Total gaming time on the server - 1000HRS Gaming time per day 5-8HRS Apply for Helper/Moderator
Age: 17 Years old
Languages : English native speaker , Macedonian native speaker.
Total gaming time on the server - 1000HRS
Gaming time per day 5-8HRS
Apply for Helper/Moderator
ballad1 Level 2 6.10.2012 14:10
Apply for Helper/Moderator age 16 years old game time: 320 hours gaming time per day 4 to 7 hours ingame name _ballad_
Apply for Helper/Moderator
age 16 years old
game time: 320 hours
gaming time per day 4 to 7 hours
ingame name _ballad_
Sven Level 35 14.10.2012 18:41
APPLY:Helper position Age: 16 years Languages: English (native speaker), German (learning 5 years) Total gaming time on the server: 301 hours Gaming time per day: 3-10 hours”
APPLY:Helper position
Age: 16 years
Languages: English (native speaker), German (learning 5 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 301 hours
Gaming time per day: 3-10 hours”
LikeABoss Legendární hráč Level 42 17.10.2012 16:01
Applying For: Moderator/Admin Age: 19 years Languages: English (Main Language) Total gaming time on the server: 337 hours Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
Applying For: Moderator/Admin
Age: 19 years
Languages: English (Main Language)
Total gaming time on the server: 337 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
Soap Legendární hráč Level 35 18.10.2012 12:20
Age : 18 Languages : English native speaker , German (learning 2 years) Gaming time on the SERVER : 1072:45 Hrs Gaming time per day 4-7Hrs Applying for (Moderator) or (Administrator) In-gameNick - [LK]SoNeY . i am changing my name to Dynamo in 20hrs :)
Age : 18
Languages : English native speaker , German (learning 2 years)
Gaming time on the SERVER : 1072:45 Hrs
Gaming time per day 4-7Hrs
Applying for (Moderator) or (Administrator)
In-gameNick - [LK]SoNeY . i am changing my name to Dynamo in 20hrs :)
PanaM Legendární hráč Level 37 29.10.2012 13:02
APPLY:Helper position Age: 18 years Languages: French, English (learning 7 years) Total gaming time on the server: 473 hours Gaming time per day: 3-10 hours”
APPLY:Helper position
Age: 18 years
Languages: French, English (learning 7 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 473 hours
Gaming time per day: 3-10 hours”
TheMaFia Zkušený hráč Level 50 5.11.2012 16:13
Age: 15 languages : albanian , english (learning 5 years) total gametime 560 hours gaming per day : 4-5 hours its random in game name : Sir.Mafia
Age: 15
languages : albanian , english (learning 5 years)
total gametime 560 hours
gaming per day : 4-5 hours its random
in game name : Sir.Mafia
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