There should be a advertisement box on /web where players from all servers can add a advertisement about their Selling vehicles with a screenshot and price they are selling it for,players can contact sellers through /web and can make a deal and later they can buy it in-game.Here players can add their selling vehicles for /webmoney and also with in-game cash.Thanks.
There should be a advertisement box on /web where players from all servers can add a advertisement about their Selling vehicles with a screenshot and price they are selling it for,players can contact sellers through /web and can make a deal and later they can buy it in-game.Here players can add their selling vehicles for /webmoney and also with in-game cash.Thanks.
Add like shops in market everyone can add what he want to sell on it example like /market in market everyone can sell usds on it
We also can sell Vehicles/Houses/Weps on it
Add like shops in market everyone can add what he want to sell on it example like /market in market everyone can sell usds on it We also can sell Vehicles/Houses/Weps on it
i just want to suggest make a new web chat where can talk only logged in web users not like this web chat servers hope u understand what i mean so people will be able to communicate easly and fast and help each other this also should reduce the questions in forums = )
i just want to suggest make a new web chat where can talk only logged in web users not like this web chat servers hope u understand what i mean so people will be able to communicate easly and fast and help each other this also should reduce the questions in forums = )
new heist idea
I know that player reading this will say "OMG. If heists are added then it will unbalance the game!."
NO! Just listen to me, the Idea is that the heists don't pay like 1mil it will give you very less.
level 25 heist - All players must be on at least level 25, heist payout will be 200k (bonus 50k if done on a limited time) 4 players are needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
level 38 heist - All players must be at least on level 38 to do this heist, Payout will be 700k (bonus 100k if done in a limited time) 4 players needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
level 50 heist - All players must be at least on level 50 to do this heist, payout will be 1mil (bonus 500k if done in a limited time) 4 players needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
All the heists can be done every 2 weeks. If you fail a heist, you lose progress and have to start over again and also have to wait for another 2 weeks. Heist require setups, setups can be done any time even if you lose progress. Bigger heists require bigger and more difficult setups.
I hope you enjoyed my Idea. thanks. Please add heists
new heist idea I know that player reading this will say "OMG. If heists are added then it will unbalance the game!." NO! Just listen to me, the Idea is that the heists don't pay like 1mil it will give you very less. here level 25 heist - All players must be on at least level 25, heist payout will be 200k (bonus 50k if done on a limited time) 4 players are needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
level 38 heist - All players must be at least on level 38 to do this heist, Payout will be 700k (bonus 100k if done in a limited time) 4 players needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
level 50 heist - All players must be at least on level 50 to do this heist, payout will be 1mil (bonus 500k if done in a limited time) 4 players needed. Payout gets divided equally to each player.
All the heists can be done every 2 weeks. If you fail a heist, you lose progress and have to start over again and also have to wait for another 2 weeks. Heist require setups, setups can be done any time even if you lose progress. Bigger heists require bigger and more difficult setups.
I hope you enjoyed my Idea. thanks. Please add heists