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payment method blocked

ShadOw7 Legendární hráč Level 35 19.11.2017 15:45
So when i tried today to purchase something from the Game shop, using my credit card, a message appears says: Sorry! We have blocked this payment method for your account. Tried to use bank transfer, same thing, any solution please? Thank you.
So when i tried today to purchase something from the Game shop, using my credit card, a message appears says:

Sorry! We have blocked this payment method for your account.
Tried to use bank transfer, same thing, any solution please?

Thank you.
MadCuzBad O.o ?
Mark0 Boss Level 175 19.11.2017 15:47
Hello, maybe NiCe has blocked payments for you or your country maybe, or you have made a lot of payments this month? Wait for admin reply.
Hello, maybe NiCe has blocked payments for you or your country maybe, or you have made a lot of payments this month? Wait for admin reply.
ShadOw7 Legendární hráč Level 35 19.11.2017 15:50
I don't think so, i didn't play for almost a year, maybe more i can't remember, i live in Morocco, it's my own money i don't hack/spam it's real money i earn from my real job, why would he block it?
I don't think so, i didn't play for almost a year, maybe more i can't remember, i live in Morocco, it's my own money i don't hack/spam it's real money i earn from my real job, why would he block it?
MadCuzBad O.o ?
Excalibur n00b Level 75 19.11.2017 16:03
HI, niCe may have blocked payments from your countries due to several reasons. and it could be due to any scam or refund attempt from someone from your country in the past. You can send an email to info@gta-multiplayer.cz for information about this matter as well. Also, use the EDIT icon below your avatar to avoid spam!
HI, niCe may have blocked payments from your countries due to several reasons.
and it could be due to any scam or refund attempt from someone from your country in the past.
You can send an email to info@gta-multiplayer.cz for information about this matter as well.
Also, use the EDIT icon below your avatar to avoid spam!

I'm Back Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ChEcK oUt Da tHe PlaYer GuiDe!
HiRoYaL Level 61 19.11.2017 16:13
No point in a thread, just contact nice privately.
No point in a thread, just contact nice privately.
Hoodini95 Žoldák Level 66 19.11.2017 16:39
Hello, niCe probably blocked payment methods for your country, the reason might be due to this You can contact niCe him self by sending an email at niCe@gta-multiplayer.cz Or by contacting him from Web.
niCe probably blocked payment methods for your country, the reason might be due to this
because of excessive amount of chargebacks
You can contact niCe him self by sending an email at
Or by contacting him from Web.
Vegeta Level 93 19.11.2017 21:55
When your payment methods are blocked by our Lead Manager niCe, the decission is already made and it will not be changed, so there is no other way to be done, which can help you continue donating here, unless niCe himself doesnt change his mind. niCe's Words.
When your payment methods are blocked by our Lead Manager niCe, the decission is already made and it will not be changed, so there is no other way to be done, which can help you continue donating here, unless niCe himself doesnt change his mind.
When payments are blocked for you, this decision is final and irreversibleniCe's Words.
Toto téma bylo zamknuto kvůli neaktivitě.