i have quit the server, because i have moved on, i am planning on working on youtube for a while and the server got to boring for me. its time to move on. so yeah.... bye all it has been fun for as long as it lasted. if you want to contact me ill be on my skype: AlphaEpic11.
lol i did it because you did it XD it made me think like this...: when will i apply for helper.. i dont want to seem too needy for the position... screw it ill do like chipsy did XD
hey I buy preium acc for 1 day ago I have preium for 90 days 2.7 milions dollar 100 rocket lungers and house for 30 days and motocykel. The problem its thats I cant come to my acc know, When I typing in my pw for my acc I start like a new guy, I wanna come to my acc,, can you help me plz ..,,,
Good luck and i hope your problem get fixed.
BTW , hey alpha :3