Rekting and harassing Ronan_Jezequel with RPGs.. I was filming a short sword fight movie with my friend, he videobombed and chainsawed us. Here's what he got as the reward! hehe enjoy the explosions!
“After a hard day, this video made me smile. The remix version of All Is Well song nailed it, and that scene at 3:55 lol, wholesome video ” Thanks for your heartfelt comment man!
“dozens of times you blowed yourself up trying to kill me”TO be specifc, only 1 time I blasted it at my own foot to kill both you and your friend, that too in a place like casino, moreover that doesn't matter as I told, we are KAMIKAZE, now I hope you will stop crying in the comments, your own title "Coward" tells everything about you haha
Too bad you didn't post the dozens of times you blowed yourself up trying to kill me. At least you had fun and i hope it will help for your therapy. Take care.