



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
GTA: San Andreas

How to do fishing in SA-MP Welcome To Los Santos Servers

GTA: San Andreas
Palermoo Palermoo 15/02/2023

Editing by: HunTer
I hope it is helpful for new players :D more content coming soon!!

Comments (18)

introvert Legendary player Level 32 09/03/2023 08:31 PM
Nice :)
CreaturaDomUmbraeth Litterer Level 70 28/02/2023 02:27 AM
Good one, time to feed all the cattos!
ItsHunTer Hitman Level 68 17/02/2023 09:18 AM
Palermo3, you need to put more effort editing the video to make it as much professional as possible. Not like just put texts and cuts and fade during the cut.

- The texts must be readable without pausing the video.
- No grammar mistakes.
- More details and info.
- Shorter title like "Fishing GUIDE - WTLS SA:MP".
- Put off gas mask while recording.
- Try not to show any guns for these guides unless necessary.
- Ask players to comment if they have any questions.
- Give a tiny intro. Not channel's, but the subject's.
- Add timestamps.

Might be few more but I ain't pro
Thanks for your opinion we will take care of this next time
mihka Film maker Level 34 17/02/2023 01:16 AM
now I'm friends with fish xD
kilpkonn n00b Level 63 16/02/2023 11:55 PM
now i know how to fish, thank you
Veteran95O Experienced player Level 53 16/02/2023 04:49 PM
Palermo3, you need to put more effort editing the video to make it as much professional as possible. Not like just put texts and cuts and fade during the cut.

- The texts must be readable without pausing the video.
- No grammar mistakes.
- More details and info.
- Shorter title like "Fishing GUIDE - WTLS SA:MP".
- Put off gas mask while recording.
- Try not to show any guns for these guides unless necessary.
- Ask players to comment if they have any questions.
- Give a tiny intro. Not channel's, but the subject's.
- Add timestamps.

Might be few more but I ain't pro
Telfort n00b Level 126 16/02/2023 01:08 PM
Great video Palermo :D
Snazzonix Level 31 16/02/2023 10:50 AM
Thanks for the tutorial
Palermoo Level 50 16/02/2023 09:42 AM
great, press F9 to remove the kill list, it will look betterumm i didnt noticed that much on killist while recording but yea will be off or blurred in upcoming content :D
btw ye machli chor bazar me bachne ka kitna milta hai ?150 rupiya dega!! ;)
Palermoo Level 50 16/02/2023 09:08 AM
Thank you mates really appreciated :D
Show comments 11-18 of 18