he was lie about money 5M that noob now i know he crying XD he think i`m ab XD , every time before i rec he was running to ammunation to renew his armour so his hp not full cuz he running but last time got dead XD
“ofc this is bad video, the first thing if any one wanna play for 5m or 1v1 he will play in lsa,sfa,lva. and not near ammo , so that mean u lie it's not for 5m .. and the seconde thing i need my eyes :)(”what is more ? -.-
ofc this is bad video, the first thing if any one wanna play for 5m or 1v1 he will play in lsa,sfa,lva. and not near ammo , so that mean u lie it's not for 5m .. and the seconde thing i need my eyes :)(
and not near ammo , so that mean u lie it's not for 5m .. and the seconde thing i need my eyes :)(”what is more ? -.-
and not near ammo , so that mean u lie it's not for 5m .. and the seconde thing i need my eyes :)(