“ ADMITTED? PROOF IT...What a stupid lier.I NEVER admit things i never did not that stupid.And you're lucky i left samp because i realised it's for kids...Better go in real life and get a life”yeah I was on when you got kicked for god mode.. LOL and the next day you were saying that you didnt have any..
Mac10 you should look atleast your behaviour before his...You was insulter in past.I Bet if you arent admin you should insult everyone who ever kill you.
To be honest im fed up of replying and will not reply further to ur accusations to be honest. also im not longer a Moderator but an Administrator i earned that from being a respectfull and helpfull player of this gaming community something what you wouldnt know anything about as you show lack of respect towards all players including admins. also if we didnt care for the rules it would be pointless having admins / moderators kicking muting and banning people on a daily basis to improve your gaming experience and prevent any breaking of the rules.
Lawl u guys are so stupid Doni made this video to prove to me that he didnt have aimbot because i thought he did so why would i use a aimbot on a video of someone trying to prove they dont aimbot Dat Logic. Anyway if u would swear its aimbot ask an admin to look into it and see rather than spamming nonsensical accusations what you have no evidence to back up .