Here are 44 new screenshots of Grand Thefts Auto IV's new DLC The Ballad of Gay Tony, out October 29th. At one point the video alot of the new cars are shown such as the Bullet (from San Andreas), the new civilian buffalo, and the new car based on the bentally... (more)
Here are 44 new screenshots of Grand Thefts Auto IV's new DLC The Ballad of Gay Tony, out October 29th. At one point the video alot of the new cars are shown such as the Bullet (from San Andreas), the new civilian buffalo, and the new car based on the bentally which i belevie is called the Super Drop Diamond (less)
The Ballad of Gay Tony zklamalo na cele care, krome docela zajimaveho pribehu nenabizi nic navic - nemuzete si koupit obleceni, koupit nitro do auta a dokonce i ten skvelej club je pristupnej jen behem jedne jedine mise.
he Ballad Of Gay Tony se mi docela hodně líbí :) jak tou grafikou, tak i ostatním. Nemůžu posoudit děj hry, protože jsem to nehrála, ale působí to na mě hodně zajímavě až docela lákavě :) Především ten klub tam :D :)