Because there was lot of players from staff online, we decided to take this photo.
Admins: Theseus, Scotty, Blank, Cidla
Moderators: Pulse, Hillbilly, Mango, Bunnnny
Helpers: Chester, LeXuZ, LePolar, Bang, HooDie, DareDevil, Champ, iNikzz(Jom.and.Terry),... (more)
Because there was lot of players from staff online, we decided to take this photo.
Admins: Theseus, Scotty, Blank, Cidla
Moderators: Pulse, Hillbilly, Mango, Bunnnny
Helpers: Chester, LeXuZ, LePolar, Bang, HooDie, DareDevil, Champ, iNikzz(Jom.and.Terry), PunisherSa, Santy, KrLe, Mac10 and HoLY
12/1/2015 (less)