“RedZ remember u was perma for cheats dont talk like a legend atleast i hv screenshots now ill let u cry anyway u ll play 1-3 months and then u ll get another perma good luck” "perma for cheats", LOL keep lying to yourself homie, i was always clean. Try to come in the server, imma rape u ;d
“U are lucky cuz i left samp good luck with ur cheats”excuse me wtf
TheReaLightLegendary playerLevel 4716/05/2019 08:18 AM
RedZ remember u was perma for cheats dont talk like a legend atleast i hv screenshots now ill let u cry anyway u ll play 1-3 months and then u ll get another perma good luck
TitomarLegendary playerLevel 8016/05/2019 01:47 AM
“U are lucky cuz i left samp good luck with ur cheats”hahaha, you're lucky you left before I returned, I'd make your virtual life a hell just like titomar's :D
TheReaLightLegendary playerLevel 4716/05/2019 01:16 AM
U are lucky cuz i left samp good luck with ur cheats
says the one who found me more than 9 times when being in /hide lol
"perma for cheats", LOL keep lying to yourself homie, i was always clean. Try to come in the server, imma rape u ;d