Varunking7Upstanding CitizenLevel 1730/01/2024 07:49 AM
“ We don't have to reply anymore because you've already made a clown representation of yourself. A guy who got roasted by dozen of players and an Adminstrator himself thinks he roasted all of us. Goodbye, kid ” dozen players! lololl ........anyway goodbye . I too don't need to reply to you anymore because you guys already lost to me! btw check your english! you dont know even "Administrator" spelling!
We don't have to reply anymore because you've already made a clown representation of yourself. A guy who got roasted by dozen of players and an Adminstrator himself thinks he roasted all of us. Adiós, kid.
Varunking7Upstanding CitizenLevel 1730/01/2024 06:56 AM
“ Assasinator, LMAO!! This kid speaks the worst english than any other elementary student ” I took that pic just for representation! lose to my argument, did your english grammer helped you?
Varunking7Upstanding CitizenLevel 1730/01/2024 06:16 AM
“ will take Arc’s word on this, arguing with him is pointless ” you argued with me and tried to prove that "we were correct! But you guys ended up sadly ! and still yount don't have anything to argue and going into my personal! Lol