The LSU MK II (Limo Service Unit) was a vehicle used when the Limo service was still in operational (1954-2005) and was developed in 1978. The limo service was said to be more luxurious then the standard taxi service with faster speed, smoother riding experience,... (more)
The LSU MK II (Limo Service Unit) was a vehicle used when the Limo service was still in operational (1954-2005) and was developed in 1978. The limo service was said to be more luxurious then the standard taxi service with faster speed, smoother riding experience, and fine classical music playing, but was also more expensive then the standard taxi service which caused it to become less popular due to players not wanting to spend the extra amount. What made matters worse for this vehicle was when some admin had a "great" idea to get rid of the limo job altogether which cause this unit to become useless...the vehicle was stored in a secure storage unit far away and was left alone to collect dust and rot with all the other equipment and vehicles abandoned there...until today when me and a small team rediscovered the storage unit and extracted this vehicle. after 11 years of complete neglect in a cold, dusty storage unit it appears to still be fully functional...even the CPU inside it was still able to operate...but without the capability to start the job, this vehicle may have to suffer being put back into storage or even put out of its misery. (less)