Kav A.K.A Kavin11
I was cruising around LS when i saw him
He said business has been very hard lately so i decided to lend a helping hand if u know what i mean :D
Let's hope Kav makes it through this hard time
1 like = 1 prayer... (more)
Kav A.K.A Kavin11
I was cruising around LS when i saw him
He said business has been very hard lately so i decided to lend a helping hand if u know what i mean :D
Let's hope Kav makes it through this hard time
1 like = 1 prayer for Kav (less)
Its perfect i guess
Peace <3 :D”Hope you get perma kid.
peace <3 :d
“hope you get perma banned kid”
retard hiding behind a monitor and speaking like gangsta Lmao, add me Kavin#6969 i wanna hear your sqishcy spongebob assvoice